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Peak Manufacturing?
The March industrial production report was good, but missed estimates. It wasn’t great like the ISM PMI.
Best Improvement In Retail Sales Ever
The hotly anticipated April retail sales report was released this Thursday. It was fantastic. It destroyed estimates. Specifically, headline monthly growth rose from -2.7% to 9.8%, which beat the consensus of 5.6%.
Biggest Impact On Inflation Is Here… Sort Of
The CPI report was nothing to get excited about.
Multiple Warning Signs Of Unhealthy Market
Lately, we have seen cyclical stocks in the ‘real economy’ and growth tech stocks take turns going up. Instead of one group winning the arm wrestling battle, both have won.
New Tail Risks Emerge For 2021
The biggest tail risk the stock market faces according to fund managers is still a bond market taper tantrum. The 2nd biggest risk is higher inflation. Higher yields and higher inflation go hand in hand.
The Market Is Wrong About Rate Hikes
The CPI report will get above 3% for a few months this year. Let’s see how long it stays there. The market expects a Fed rate hike in 2022, but that won’t happen.
Consumers Are Spending Like There’s No Tomorrow
The March retail sales report will be one for the ages. It’s interesting to see how strong e-commerce spending will be even as the economy reopens. The stay-at-home stocks have done well even though the pandemic is coming under control in America.
Software Sales Growth Slowed In 2020
Software sales growth actually fell in 2020. Investors bought those stocks last year because they were the best relative performers. Now they are too expensive and have lower growth.
This Economic Data Point Is A Bearish Signal
High PMIs aren’t great for stocks in the short term. Obviously, more goes into predicting stocks than a couple of data points.
A Tighter Labor Market Much Sooner
Economists and investors want to know how quickly job creation will occur in the next few months since much of the creation will occur via a drop in permanent losers.
These Are The Stocks That Won In The Past Decade
If you want to beat the market and compound your wealth, you can’t buy the winners of the past that have become $500+ billion businesses. It’s not possible for the FAANG stocks to destroy the market because they are the market.
The Source Of The Speculative Bubble
Many policymakers don’t believe there is such a thing as too much stimulus, especially in an emergency. Either the government just found a solution to all future recessions or inflation is coming.
What A Time For Consumers
We are beginning to see the spike in consumer confidence and spending that should last throughout the spring and summer.
Even Higher Growth In 2021?
The 2021 economy is going to be a year to remember. US growth is going to impact global growth by the most since 1999. Retail sales in March will be fantastic.
What Do Unprecedented Fiscal & Monetary Policy Mean?
The CBO expects the debt to GDP ratio to rise over the next 10 years to above the peak during WWII. It gets dicey when you consider how the CBO has forecasted a debt to GDP ratio much lower than what has been reached recently.
People Under 40 Have Very Little Wealth
People under 40 have a low percentage of the overall wealth in the US. Most millennials will be fine financially as they age, but they won’t have as many children as prior generations.
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