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Ancient Lessons For Modern Planners
Dick Kaplan 3/11/2022 1:08:35 PM

It may not have as much of an impact as you think.  Many companies like #Visa, #Mastercard and #Amex made a big PR splash saying they were cutting off Russia. But if you read the fine print, they simply were not letting people use Russian issued credit card in other countries. They will still work just find in Russia, which means this will have virtually no affect at all.

As for companies like #McDonalds and #Apple, Putin said he may simply nationalize those companies' stores and confiscate all their assets, and continue to run them with Russians in charge!

Visa, Mastercard, Amex Suspend All Russia Operations
Adam Reynolds 3/6/2022 11:23:16 PM

This is nothing but a PR ploy by these credit card companies. The cards that were issued in Russia will still work in Russia.  This will have literally no impact on the Ukrainian invasion. 

If these companies really wanted to make a difference, they would prevent them from working IN Russia.  Of course that would actually cost them money. $V, $MA, $AXP

Square vs. Mastercard: Which Stock is a Better Buy?
Texan Hunter 12/5/2020 4:44:20 PM

$MA is the better buy. $SQ will get in a mess with political wokeness. Dorsey is a target and rightfully so.

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