Gene Inger - Comments
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Gene Inger pioneered U.S. financial television daily technical analysis. His stations later affiliated with FNN, merging into CNBC where he was an original Market Maven. His views have been quoted in Forbes, Barrons, the Wall Street Journal, on CNN and daily for subscribes to his Daily Briefing on ...more
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Market Briefing For Tuesday, Jun. 8
3 years ago

What marketing effort? I don't get paid by TalkMarkets; I do not allow advertising on my website or in my reports sent by email to our subscribers; and it's the sole income. It would be nice to be compensated by at least a few of the many readers of my 'free' reports posted here. Thanks sir.

In this article: AAPL
Ten Soldiers Of The WSB Reddit Army
3 years ago

I would think both LightPath (LPTH) and Sorrento Therapeutics (SRNE) would make the list; as both are being talked-up in groups and both have had rallies on volume.

Market Briefing For Thursday, May 27
3 years ago

P.S. If anyone wants my full reports, which I'm doing having recovered from Covid a few weeks ago; kindly visit and subscribe to The Daily Briefing. In this weekend's report I delve more into the Wuhan-gate scandle that is about to go 'full Monte'. I work diligently at this, gave the correct advice, and would appreciate your joining.

Market Briefing For Thursday, May 27
3 years ago

Yes; interestingly I suspected from the Lab in Jan. 2020 and said so; a Chinese couple attended a seminar I gave near Disneyworld and they told me about all the people streaming out of Wuhan. And on March 23rd I nailed the low as you likely know while many were in panic; but the Fed stated their posture. In this weekend's report (only part will be posted here; the entire report and videos are sent to my subscribers) I share a bit of the Australian expose today of Dr. Fauci's connection; and no Trump was NOT briefed; but this could be a huge scandal as you say. And it comes out (and Biden switched to 'wanting' the intelligence) as of course they can't keep a lid on it forever. There are tons of intelligence on this and it came from the Wuhan lab; and even if unintentional; apparently was meant as a weapon; not as research to protect from a virus. That's a spin.

Market Briefing For Thursday, May 13
3 years ago

Please visit and subscribe to our Daily Briefing. If you do so this week and mention TalkMarket in feedback to me, and I'll 'comp' the intraday MarketCasts to you at no extra charge. I have provided much of my work here for far too long; even though without videos (voice over charts.. technical analysis primarily). To continue doing so we need to see a response from readers here; which is why I will reward personal feedback so I know you read this post. I'm pretty much back to full speed; after (miraculously) surviving Covid and a more than two months hospital stay. (How I did so and how I have my strength somewhat back remains a mystery to me.)

In this article: SPX, NYA
Market Briefing For Monday, Oct. 5
4 years ago

What I do is a 'blend' of everything; and I try to be centrist with politics and just explain what happens depending on the outcome. These 'freebie' reports are a courtesy and do NOT include my chart videos, stock discussions or any picks, such as our writeup's about Sorrento Therapeutics or LightPath. So if you care about individual stocks or technical analysis; try our Service.

In this article: SRNE, REGN, VIX, NYA
Market Briefing For Wednesday, July 29
4 years ago

It's like the Spanish Flu of 1918-19... suffering and a recession; but it led to the Roaring 20's and that might happen this time too; despite all the belief that monetary policies will inhibit that. I'm compassionate and lost a cousin to this horror last week; but life goes on and might as well be trading markets independent of impulsive or emotional reactions to events; which is often the wrong moves to make. We've nailed this as you know from reading my excerpts here; and I hope you understand that I was in tears hearing back in February from people who said our warnings helped them get PPE and protect families at a time Washington wasn't advising it. And since turning bullish on March 23rd it's been great. Checkout $AMD, $LPTH and $SRNE all of which we owned and own.

In this article: AMD, SRNE, LPTH
Market Briefing For Wednesday, July 29
4 years ago

Indeed... my Sorrento (SRNE) suggestion at 4 is working out great; and their on site testing and a possible 'pill' is really the needed solution. I'll welcome you as a subscriber if you like; as I'm going to have to curtail allowing other websites from quoting more than a paragraph or two of my work (no compensation); heck I enjoy sharing but gotta pay the 'lectric bill (JK).. cheers!

In this article: AMD, SRNE, LPTH
Market Briefing For Thursday, July 23
4 years ago

Thanks kindly William... I usually delve into the 'psychology' of the market more in my nightly videos; which are not posted here in fairness to paying subscribers at my website. In fact I should require these excerpts be reduced further in fairness to me! haha. Stay safe in this crazy time.

Market Briefing For Thursday, June 18
4 years ago

Yes Noah, I discuss China in many reports and videos and portions of the Daily Reports you don't see in these complimentary excerpts. I welcome you to join our full Daily Briefing by subscribing at cheers! Gene

31 to 40 of 68 comments