Gene Inger - Comments
President of
Gene Inger pioneered U.S. financial television daily technical analysis. His stations later affiliated with FNN, merging into CNBC where he was an original Market Maven. His views have been quoted in Forbes, Barrons, the Wall Street Journal, on CNN and daily for subscribes to his Daily Briefing on ...more
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Market Briefing For Friday, June 15
6 years ago

Do know we have a one-day (this weekend only) half-price Quarterly Daily Briefing subscription offer. We never discount; however due to an off-the-cusp offer I made in Las Vegas we have that today only. You won't see it on my website; just be assured if you subscribe no later than June 16 (Saturday); you will be rebated $80 of the $159. Daily Briefing subscription. There will be no follow-up offers forthcoming. Thanks and as we do not accept advertising; we appreciate investors and traders becoming members at

In this article: X, T, TWX, SPX
Market Briefing For Monday, March 25
6 years ago

Enjoying the 'crash'... we first warned of 'crash conditions' underlying the market back on Jan. 25 and 26; and again when I spoke at TraderExpo in New Your a month ago. Just so you know, we are offering a 'rebate' coincidentally because it's Easter / Passover week. It's $30 for a Daily Briefing and $100. for MarketCast subscriptions and won't be repeated anytime soon. We only do this 3 times a year for new members at and in-addition you'll get the comments immediately not on a multi-day delayed basis (they are intended to be only excerpts here). Also I will be speaking at TraderExpo in Chicago in July; which will be well after the Crash has mostly run it's course...or as we'll outline along the way. Join us for the journey if you feel we've (in all humility) nailed this market; as we're not going to often permit full quotation of my thoughts in the future...Happy Holidays and please visit to join. Gene

In this article: AAPL, META, SPX
Market Briefing For Thursday, March 1
6 years ago

Just wanted to invite readers here to join us this week. (And please realize that my technical videos and further charts are only available in the full service.) As I spoke at the NY Trader Expo; there is a $50. rebate on new Daily Briefing subscriptions this week only if you indicated the word 'Expo' in the feedback window when subscribing at our website.

In this article: SPX, VIX
Market Briefing For Wednesday, Dec. 13
7 years ago

We outlined our expectations for 2018's start in the full report. TalkMarkets is a good service; but is NOT allowed to quote us in-full. Please visit and join us as a regular Daily Briefing member. Happy Holidays.. Gene Inger

In this article: SPX
Market Briefing For Monday, December 19
8 years ago

Well said and 'close' to what I've said to our 'actual' subscribers for several weeks. I wouldn't worry about 'Trade'; just avoid 'linear thinking' and recognize that China and Mexico realize things have to be renegotiated. As to the market; before the Vote I projected an extreme rally if Trump won; opposite of most forecasts. And now I have another view as we move into the new tax year. I appreciate your interest in my work; and reflections. (The comments here are usually required to be a day or two after shared with our subscribers and do not include my technical chart video analysis... I do appreciate the interest... happy holidays!)

In this article: SPX
Beware The Ides Of March
8 years ago

It means we expected early March strength in the S&P futures, which is our trading focus. But 'beware the Ides of March', is a forward warning for trouble later in the month from a very overbought short-term condition.

(Please understand that portions of our reports are posted as TalkMarkets wishes. They are excerpts of my work, delayed at least a day or two in fairness to our paying subscribers at, and they are not each day's report either. So (sorry) that perhaps makes following the context, or flow, of our forecasts a little bit confusing, as by the time you read it, it will be well after our regular members saw the report. Thanks for your interest!)

In this article: VIX
Pundits 'Hunting' For 'Signs Of A Bear'
9 years ago

Thank you kindly Adem; my bearishness for the last six months was based on 'facts' evident in the buyback-sustained S&P range during distribution. Even the OMB and IMF saw global GDP deteriorating, yet so many acted 'as if' things were growing. For our subscribers, we're still short from March S&P 2065; came out of half over 2 weeks ago now; and layered a bit back on during this past Monday's rally. A bit antsy about China's Currency Reserves coming Sunday, during a week their FX trading desks will be closed. Cheers!

Pattern Analysis Is Dismissed
9 years ago

A post-script (of course the report posted is partial; and from Monday). We focused in-depth on the downside of 'negative interest rate policies'; warn about the Banks (especially Europe and Japan); and suggested new members use the afternoon Monday rally to get short the S&P. The report for Wednesday will outline why Japan has a prospect to crack; why their JGB Auction may be cancelled; and why this confirms my views of the inappropriateness of negative rate policy directives.

In this article: GLD, SLV
Financial Credit & Counterparty Risk
9 years ago

Traders & investors should know that this post is an 'excerpt' of my full report a couple days ago. In fairness to subscribing members; our technical analysis videos and the majority of the report is not posted. I do several intraday S&P trading videos each day, plus the longer evening report. (Just wanted everyone to be aware that, for example, the projection for stable then higher Oil made early in the past week; leading the market up to take-out the S&P's accelerated declining trend pattern; hence running-in shorts who shorted weakness (we covered part for a 200 handle huge gain and called for the bounce as well as Friday morning's fade as it indeed spiked over the declining trend)... just to give you an idea of how I approach the market in the present environment (including views about ultimate lows).

Denial Isn't A River In Egypt
9 years ago

Thank you Doug; English is my only language; and even though I'm older now; I wouldn't mind if my work was more widely shared. After all, I pioneered financial TV; and I guess in my more-articulate youth was easier to understand :)

In this article: OIL, SPX, NYA, VIX
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