Kyla Scanlon | TalkMarkets | Page 2
CAP Associate at Capital Group
Contributor's Links: Kylas Scanlon's Substack
Majored in Finance, Economics, and Data Analytics with 5+ years experience in options trading. Focus on fundamentals, with special interest in equity valuations and macroeconomic analysis.


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17 to 32 of 53 Posts
Margin And Opportunity
Bing could be the new Google as Microsoft goes into AI-Powered search. Google released its version, the Bard which is “a new experimental conversational GoogleAI service”.
Reversion To Reality: How Big Tech Impacts The Economy
As the economy slows down, it will be interesting to see the reallocation of labor and capital to industries.
What Even Is A "Mild" Recession?
Ranking the economy on the Scoville test - and applying some whole milk for a soft landing
The Eggconomy
The Fed’s whole thing is to crack the consumer - make it so people can’t spend as much money. And it’s working.
The Fed Is Hiking Up That Mountain
The question for 2023 is how the Fed will approach its hiking path. Will it incorporate switchbacks into the climb or just rip straight up the side of the mountain?.
Mind The Cup
This year was defined by uncertainty. And in many ways, that uncertainty will never go away.
2022 Was Really Weird
Unproductive allocation of capital and continuous bamboozlement were, unfortunately, big themes this year. But there are many golden moments to reflect on too.
Intention Vs Impact: Jerome Powell & Elon Musk
The way we exist in the world has impact. Peeling an orange, walking in the woods, sitting in a coffee shop - all of these are a conversation between us and our surroundings.
Economic Outlook: Rubber Bands On A Watermelon
Something's gotta give -- or does it?
Credit Suisse: Great Financial Crisis 2.0?
Credit Suisse has a lot of problems don't get me wrong. But the people saying this is a Lehman moment are discounting how bad a Lehman moment actually is.
The Ethereum Merge And Energy Markets
There are two big things happening in the world right now, surrounding *both* energy and monetary policy - Central bank decision making and the Ethereum Merge.
Hypertakeflation And The Sportification Of The Fed
The Fed wants to direct the market to where they think it needs to go, because right now, it’s a game of chicken. The Federal Reserve is squaring up against the market. And someone is going to have to swerve first.
The Semantics Of A Recession
It really doesn’t matter that much - recession, not a recession. We are in an economic slowdown, that much is clear. Now it’s most important how we move forward.
People Are What Matters, Actually
What 75 bps and monetary policy really means. I think we often forget that the economy is really a bunch of people peopling around and trying to make sense of this world. So it’s going to be silly and dumb because people are silly and dumb.
Do We Need A Recession?
There are different types of recessions. Not everyone has to be like in 2008, and if the main goal is an economic slowdown and a minor system reset, that’s different than millions losing their homes and their jobs.
The Coinbase Direct Listing: A Crypto Signal
I think Coinbase is just the beginning for crypto. Does that make it a good investment? Maybe not. Is it a signal? Yes.
17 to 32 of 53 Posts