Kyla Scanlon | TalkMarkets | Page 4
CAP Associate at Capital Group
Contributor's Links: Kylas Scanlon's Substack
Majored in Finance, Economics, and Data Analytics with 5+ years experience in options trading. Focus on fundamentals, with special interest in equity valuations and macroeconomic analysis.


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The Fourth Estate: The Future Of The Media Industry
The disruptive nature of the Internet and the changing demographics of a subscriber base are some of the variables that the newspaper industry has dealt with, but there are also underlying revenue deficiencies within the newspaper system.
The Overleveraged University: The Crisis In Higher Education
Both universities and students are becoming increasingly more indebted. Simultaneously, alternatives to traditional higher education are on the rise. The higher education industry is long overdue for an operational overhaul
The Boy’s Club: Discussing Gender Disparity In The Financial Industry
Christine Lagarde, the current managing director and Chairwoman of the International Monetary Fund, once said that “if it had been Lehman Sisters rather than Lehman Brothers, the world might well look a lot different today.“
Running Out Of Gas: The Direction Of The Auto Industry
There has been a slump in auto sales figures.There are several reasons for this decline, including quantitative tightening, job losses, heightened competition, weakness overseas, and the trade war.
The Power Of Monopoly: PG&E’s Plan To Keep The Lights On
PG&E is currently under investigation for their potential involvement in several wildfires, including the costliest one of 2018. The company cannot afford the liabilities from the fires and are in talks of declaring bankruptcy.
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