Jim Boswell | TalkMarkets | Page 108
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more


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Something Additional To Think About
Additional benefits of Globanomics for the United States.
Trying To Understand Who Follows Me
i am simply using this blog to help me understand who is reading my articles
Lesson Number Two In Globanomics
The real point of Lesson Number Two is that we need to change the leadership of our country.
The COVID-19 Death Count From An Inappropriate Red-Blue State Perspective
Although we are called the United States of America, many people—including the President of the United States of America—seem to view our country through the prism that divides us into red and blue states. 
Updated Coronavirus Analysis With Comments
This explains the results coming from my most recent updated coronavirus analysis.
Oscar The Optimist: My View Of 2020
Oscar the Optimist's forecast for 2020. It is probably different from most of your other authors.
I Started A Joke, But Everything Will Be Fine
The purpose of this article is to inform Talkmarkets's readers that everything is going to be fine regardless of when Donald Trump leaves office. I use quotes from an old Bee Gee song to get that point across.
An Introduction For A Wimp's Pulpit
This article introduces me, my qualifications, and expresses my intent to write exclusively for TalkMarkets. It also expresses my intent to take on the "bully pulpit" of the President of the United States.with regard to market strategies.
1713 to 1720 of 1720 Posts
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