Jim Boswell Blog | Trying to Understand Who Follows Me | TalkMarkets
Executive Director, Quanta Analytics
Contributor's Links: Globanomics
Author of Globanomics. Jim has nearly fifty years of professional experience in the development of management information and analytical business decision support systems. Broadly disciplined with exceptional experience. Education includes an MBA from the Wharton School-University of Pennsylvania, ...more

Trying to Understand Who Follows Me

Date: Monday, October 19, 2020 3:39 PM EDT

Hello, everyone.  This is my first attempt at using "my blog" space so bare with me a bit.  What i would like to do first with my blog is to find out who is following me and what my followers think about Globanomics, if anything.   And if you do not know what i mean by Globanomics then the following four links should help clarify Globanomics for you.

1. Globanomics Reintroduced:  


2. Lesson One in Globanomics: https://talkmarkets.com/content/lesson-number-one-in-globanomics?post=281384

3. Lesson Two in Globanomics: 


4. The Economics of Love: http://mobiusmagazine.com/fiction/loveofec.html

I have created a unique email address for my blog site so any follower can get in touch with me relating to Globanomic issues or concerns they may have.  That email address is:  jimboswell777@gmail.com.

I would love to hear from any of you.



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Adam Reynolds 3 years ago Member's comment

Thanks Jim. I don't usually bother going to these sections of the site but saw you pop-up so figured I should say hi and thanks for your contributions. I enjoyed both the articles about covid and globanomics.

Jim Boswell 3 years ago Author's comment

I am not sure whether you have me blocked or not, but if you have not, i want you to know that my 49% is negotiable if TalkMarkets never makes any money. In fact, i will continue for 0% if TalkMarkets never makes money.

ps. i have put a couple of good blogs out this morning that you should look at.

Adam Reynolds 3 years ago Member's comment

I haven't blocked you, but honestly I have been thinking about it. Your recent posts have me questing your sanity. You seem to be nothing but a crazy, greedy bastard who thinks he deserves millions of dollars. For what? A few articles? If you think any website will pay you millions of dollars for a few articles, go for it. Heck, sign me up too. We can all become millionaires for a few hours work.

You don't even write anything interesting anymore. You just complain. No one wants to read that, let alone pay for it.

Jim Boswell 3 years ago Author's comment

You are probably right with this audience. I think my writings might be more well received over in the Business Community.

From there, I'll just wait and watch how my TalkMarkets articles and globanomics are butchered to death. And i will comment on that butchering from the Business perspective which in effect made Globanomics viable today.

Adam Reynolds 3 years ago Member's comment

Great, go for it. I doubt they'll pay you the $192,307.69 you want get paid per article ($5 million for 26 of them). But if they do, my offer stands - let me know and I'll join you.

Jim Boswell 3 years ago Author's comment

I have been posting you all day as to what i am doing, but it doesn't look like you are looking at my blog anymore. I have even put some humor in the blogs that you should appreciate.