If you missed lesson number 1, my recommendation is that you go back to the previous article I wrote for Talkmarkets (Lesson Number One in Globanomics) and read that article before reading this one. That is just a recommendation. You do not have to; however, it might provide some context that I am not going to cover in lesson 2.
Lesson Number 2 in Globanomics
My previous article ended it with a pop quiz. It is from that point that I would like to start. There was a lot of information I provided in that earlier piece to make the quiz fair, but I left out one very important piece of data that would have made the quiz easier—still maybe hard, but easier.
And what was that key globanomic factor?
Population, population, and population. Population is probably the most important factor in Globanomics (i.e., population of the world 7.3 billion and the direction of that population, population of different cultures and religions, etc.). No matter how you want to look at things, it is always important to take “population” into account.
Now with that said, I am going directly to the point of this second lesson. The future of the world currently lies in the hands of the American people. Globanomics tells you that the United States has a strategic advantage over China; the only other country on the planet that looks like they want to take the leadership role away from the United States and direct the world’s future.
What is that strategic advantage?
Again, population, population, and population. Did you notice the big difference in wealth per capita between the United States and China? Population is a humongous difference (China has a population about four times the size of the United States) giving the United States many, many advantages over China. The thing is—population can cut both ways. Wouldn’t a country with four scientists against every one of mine have an advantage over the United States? Yes, it would.
So why do I say the United States has an advantage because of population?
The United States cannot “stand alone”—is that why? The United States has natural allies that would be very willing to work with us to win the direction of the future. And with their help China hardly looks like a threat at all!
Who are these natural allies of the United States?
- Europe of course.
- Non-China eastern Pacific countries (e.g., Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc.)
- Most of the high GPP/capita countries not in the above two groups; and
- India—at least to the point they would prefer the United States over China.
When you look at the world from that perspective, China hardly looks like any kind of threat to freedom, democracy, human treatment in the future. The United States may not be a perfect nation, but the principles on which the United States was formed are still the best the world has to offer, including freedom, the recognition that all people are created equal, and an individual’s right to pursue happiness.
These principles need to be expanded upon in Globanomics to include Love, the Ethics of Reciprocity, and Do No Harm, but without freedom, equal creation, and an individual’s right, Globanomics will not be what it could be either.
Now if you have followed me up to this point, then let us get to the real point of Lesson Number Two in Globanomics—we need to change the leadership of our country in the next election if you want Globanomics implemented with the United States in the lead.
Why is it important to change leadership?
Of all things Globanomics might be, the one thing it is not, is a “my nation first” philosophy. Globanomics is a sharing philosophy, one that endorses wealth reaching out and helping pull others up from their bootstraps. Donald J. Trump offers no policy consistent with the direction the United States must move to control the direction of the world. What countries in the world would want to follow the direction of Trump? Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia? I say f--- them, the United States does not need their support. We already have enough and a robust group of allies—who we have over the years shared blood, sweat and tears together—that we need false friends. If places like Russia, Turkey, and Brazil want to join our coalition, okay, but they will not have much to say about the direction of the world like our natural allies will. We already know what direction we want to take.
Under new leadership (Joe Biden) the United States can renew its relationship with our old, natural allies. He can even expand upon the relationships so that everyone benefits—financially, culturally, and spiritually. There are world problems to solve and we need to start solving them now--together.
The world needs someone to direct the effort towards Globanomics and despite all of its warts and scars, the United States is the one that should be directing the world’s future. The time is now. November 3, this year. Now is the time to start implementing Globanomics with the United States in charge again.
America was great long before we gave the con-man, Donald J. Trump, power and it will be even greater without him. Vote like your children’s lives depend upon it because it does.