Danny Straus - Comments

Danny Straus

Startup Entrepreneur
Founder and CEO of a new startup currently in stealth mode. Stay tuned for the next big idea!

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Why You Should Keep A Close Eye On Your Credit
7 years ago

Does getting your credit card stolen affect your credit score if it's been reported? Or only if your identity is stolen?

Car Sales Were Always Going Over This Cliff
7 years ago

Had no idea #AutoSales were this bad. Then again, I had been thinking of buying a car until I discovered #Uber. Ever since, I've been pushing it off.

Winner & Losers From Amazon’s Proposed Purchase Of Whole Foods
7 years ago

Personally, I hope this acquisition is the end of #Walmart. Shopping there is a dreadful experience and they don't deserve to stay in business. Yes, prices are cheap but there is zero customer service, horrible wait times, etc. #Amazon could radically change all that doing what they do best. $WMT $AMZN

In this article: AMZN, WFM, KR, TGT, WMT, SFM
Should Cable TV Fear AT&T DirecTV Now?
7 years ago

I tried #DirecTV Now. Wasn't bad, but yes, a bit buggy. Like if I stopped watching an on-demand program, and tried to pick up where I left off the next day, it would not remember and make me start from the beginning. PLUS since they do NOT let you fast forward, I'd have to sit through the entire program again to catch up. I understand not letting people fast forward through the commercials, but I should be able to fast fwd through the programs themselves!

In this article: CWCWC, T
A Third Dimension In Oil Production
7 years ago

Interesting stuff, but can someone explain the significance of the seismic images in the article? It's beyond my level of expertise.

In this article: PTRC
Quiet Life: Interview With Netanel Eyal, CEO & Co-Founder
8 years ago

Israeli ingenuity at it's finest! They don't call it Startup Nation for nothing!

NewsHedge: Interview With Kevin Evenhouse, Founder
8 years ago

Your social component sounds very innovative. Not enough finance companies are embracing the benefits of social, or at least aren't doing it well.

Snap Out Of It: GoPro Or Go Home
8 years ago

Excellent points in this article. And I like your #Nintendo vs. #Sega analogy but you compared Apples to Oranges. Gameboy was a portable handheld. Dreamcast was a console system. A better comparison would be how Sega's 16GB Genesis was better than Ninendo's 8bit NES system or how their full color GameGear portable was better than Ninendo's black and white dinky Gameboy. But like VHS and Beta, Nintendo won out.

In this article: META, WMT, SNAP, GOOGL, GPRO, AMZN
SmartAsset: Interview With Michael Carvin, CEO
8 years ago

@[Michael Carvin](user:38730), as an aspiring entrepreneur, what would it take for me to get accepted into the Y Combinator?

Increasing Demand For Renewable Energy Could Benefit General Electric And Drive Its Stock Higher
8 years ago

I'd echo Roger's comment. Thanks for sharing Arie.

In this article: GE
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