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What WMT And HD Earnings Told Us
Stone Fox Capital 2/20/2024 6:29:39 PM

$WMT told us they want more into advertising and less into retail. 

Consumer Confidence Fuels Economic Optimism
Shayne Heffernan 1/31/2024 2:09:24 AM

Consumer Confidence Fuels Economic Optimism - $F $GM $TSLA $TGT $WMT Full Article

Walmart Q2 Preview: Rebound Quarter Inbound?
Frank Underwood 8/14/2022 8:03:08 PM

It says over the last month, #Walmart shares have been" lagging the market " but fails to mention the updated guidance as the reason? $WMT

A Brutal Week For Stocks May Grow Worse As The Short Squeeze Continues
Kate Monroe 1/31/2021 5:07:32 PM

I don’t see this having as big an impact on $WMT but definitely $AAPL and $FB 🤷🏼‍♀️

Walmart’s Poor Price Action Amid Strong Results Suggests Lower Prices Lie Ahead
Old Time Investor 8/28/2020 2:26:08 AM

Yes, and don't forget that Walmart Plus will be launching soon to go ahead to head against Amazon Prime. A cheaper annual membership for faster same day delivery. That will drive the price up even more. $WMT $AMZN

Don’t Buy Walmart
Mike Nolan 8/30/2018 2:20:48 AM

Thank you for this insight into being a seller on Walmart, as this was an area I was not familiar. But I can tell you that as a customer, Walmart is ages behind Amazon and other competitors.

Why can I get an item from Amazon in 1 to days, but on Walmart.com it can take a week or more? Why if I want to do an instore pickup, do they waste time and money to ship the item my local Walmart, when I know for a fact it's in the store already? That makes no sense.

Compare this with BestBuy. I place an order online. Within 30 minutes I'm told I can go pick it up. In under 3 minutes I am in and out of the store. I placed a similar order at Walmart. It took a week to arrive (even though it was also sold in store). Then it took an hour and half to pick it up. Why? There was no one manning the pick up counter. Even after having customer service announce over the PA system for someone multuple times, no one showed up. When someone finally did, the person didn't know how to process it. When someone finally arrived who could, they went to the warehouse for a very very long time. When I asked why, she said they had to manually scan with her eyes for my name on every box till she found it. That there was no rhyme or reason to how it was scanned. When the item was finally handed to me, the box was badly damaged as was the item inside.

This is anything but efficient! Bullish on $AMZN and $BBY, Bearish on $WMT.

Walmart is Not the Perfect Stock. So What?
Alpha Stockman 2/26/2018 4:40:00 PM

#Walmart's acquisition of #Jet was supposed to position the company as a viable competitor to #Amazon. But I've yet to see any technical innovation as a result. Can we still expect to see any benefits? Or was it just a waste of money? $WMT $AMZN

Netflix’s Price Increase Signals Original Content Isn’t Enough
Jennifer C. Kent 10/9/2017 7:42:39 PM

What do you mean? #Walmart is still around. $WMT

Wal-Mart Just Isn't A Growth Company Any More
Angry Old Lady 7/17/2017 7:56:48 PM

While I know #Walmart ($WMT) and #Amazon ($AMZN) treat its suppliers and employees poorly, I also know that means greater savings for me, so I'm okay with it. No one is forced to sell to, or work for, these companies. And no one is forced to shop there. I see no issues all around.

Wal-Mart Just Isn't A Growth Company Any More
Bill Johnson 7/17/2017 7:36:04 PM

#Walmart is horrible to both its suppliers and its employees. But are #Amazon and other companies really that much better? With the exception of a standout like Wegmans, any company that wields that much clout is going to use it. $WMT $AMZN

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