I had just read about #Snap's no voting rights in Time Magazine, yet in all the articles I've read online, yours was the first to actually mention this point. It seems rather unprecedented. I believe the article said it was the first time in history this has ever been done. $SNAP
#Snap is going to very quickly replace #Twitter. Change always comes from the next generation - among my friends, I don't know anyone who still uses Twitter; they've all moved over to #Snap. Just like with #Facebook, all you old folks will eventually follow suit. $FB $TWTR $SNAP
Catchy headline. I think you are right that history will repeat itself here. But what's to stop a company like #Google or #Amazon getting into this space? Maybe even #Facebook?
Glad I received this article in my instant stock alerts email. You've completely changed my view on $SNAP. I was getting caught up in the hype of #Snap's #Spectacles, but I think you are right on the money - it's just a fad. I like your suggestion of partnering with existing hardware companies like #Fitbit and #GoPro. That makes far more sense for all the reasons you outlined. $SNAP$FIT$GPRO
Load Up On SNAP
I'd prefer to see $SNAP actually generate a profit first.
Wow, time to dump this stock. $SNAP.

Smoke and Mirrors: How Snap and Pinterest Hide User Attrition
Nicely done. This is a problem that should get more attention. $PINS $SNAP
8 Reasons Why We're Not Snapping Snap's IPO
I had just read about #Snap's no voting rights in Time Magazine, yet in all the articles I've read online, yours was the first to actually mention this point. It seems rather unprecedented. I believe the article said it was the first time in history this has ever been done. $SNAP
8 Reasons Why We're Not Snapping Snap's IPO
#Snap is going to very quickly replace #Twitter. Change always comes from the next generation - among my friends, I don't know anyone who still uses Twitter; they've all moved over to #Snap. Just like with #Facebook, all you old folks will eventually follow suit. $FB $TWTR $SNAP
8 Reasons Why We're Not Snapping Snap's IPO
Good article about not buying into the $SNAP hype.
3 Reasons to Consider Snap Inc (SNAP) Shares
Personally I'm pretty excited about #SNAP. I have high hopes for $SNAP
Snap IPO Filing A Disaster
Good insight @[@[Abdullah](user:14530) Jouejati](user:32712). Have you been following #Snap's #IPO since? $SNAP
Snap Out Of It: GoPro Or Go Home
Catchy headline. I think you are right that history will repeat itself here. But what's to stop a company like #Google or #Amazon getting into this space? Maybe even #Facebook?
Snap Out Of It: GoPro Or Go Home
Glad I received this article in my instant stock alerts email. You've completely changed my view on $SNAP. I was getting caught up in the hype of #Snap's #Spectacles, but I think you are right on the money - it's just a fad. I like your suggestion of partnering with existing hardware companies like #Fitbit and #GoPro. That makes far more sense for all the reasons you outlined. $SNAP $FIT $GPRO