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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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It’s Earnings Season - So Here Come The Crooks, Led By Alcoa
Last night, AA reported another essentially profitless year, earning $268 million on $24 billion of sales.
The US Hasn’t “Decoupled” And There Ain’t No Giant “Oil Tax Cut”
What will be hit hard in the short-run is oilfield investment spending on drilling rigs, supplies, crews and new acreage leases.
Here They Go Again - Subprime Delinquencies Rising On The Dealer Lots
Delete the auto sector from the phony 5% GDP SAAR of Q3 2014 and you get an economy inching forward on its own capitalist hind legs.
The Monkeys Are Screeching And The Central Banks Are Pushing On A String
Have you been to the zoo when the monkeys start rattling their cages and screeching in unison? That about sums up the last 24 hours since the euro zone’s December CPI printed at negative 0.2% versus prior year.
The Deflation Calamity Howlers Are Dead Wrong—-In Europe And Everywhere Else
Crude oil has experienced a monumental plunge of more than 50% since mid-2014. That has temporarily dragged down the euro zone’s reported CPI and the math isn’t all that complex.
Europe’s Monetary Madhouse
The coming European monetary crack-up is rooted in the fact that the ECB’s financial repression and ZIRP policies have destroyed honest price discovery in Europe’s massive sovereign debt market.
Why The Stock Market Casino Is Dangerous: The Case Of Looney Tunes In The Sand Dunes
The proposition that EMES was worth 43X earnings had nothing to do with rational calculation or honest price discovery.
Commodity Prices Are Cliff-Diving Due To The Fracturing Monetary Supernova—The Case Of Iron Ore
The collapse of the mother of all commodity bubbles is virtually baked into the cake.
The Fracturing Bubble Down South: Brazil Is Another Victim Of Global Money Printing
Analysts reduced to 0.55 percent their GDP estimate for 2015 from 0.69 percent the previous week, according to the Dec. 19 central bank survey of about 100 analysts published today.
The Greater Abomination: Washington’s Lies About TARP’s “Success” Are Worse Than The Original Bailouts, Part I
The mainstream economics narrative is so far down the monetary rabbit hole that the blinding clarity of the chart below has no chance whatsoever of seeing the light of day.
Central Banks Are Now Uncorking The Delirium Phase
Today it was the Swiss central bank’s turn, and it didn’t pull any punches with regard to Russian billionaires seeking a safe haven from the ruble-rubble in Moscow or investors from all around its borders fleeing Mario Draghi’s impending euro-trashing campaign.
I’m Not Buying It–Not The Wall Street ‘Rip’, Nor The Keynesian Dope
First comes production. Then comes income. Spending and savings follow. All the rest is debt…….unless you believe in a magic Keynesian ether called “aggregate demand” and a blatant stab-in-the-dark called “potential GDP”.
The Fracturing Energy Bubble Is The New Housing Crash
Substitute the term “E&P expense” in the shale patch for “housing” investment and employment in the sand states, and you have tomorrow’s graphs—–that is, the plunging chart points which are latent even now in the crude oil price bust.
Memo To WSJ: The Cromnibus Abomination Was Not ‘A Rare Bipartisan Success’
The rank economic cheerleading in the guise of “news” printed by the Wall Street Journal, Reuters and the rest of the financial press never ceases to amaze.
The Curse Of Keynesian Dogma: Japan’s Lemmings March Toward The Cliff Chanting “Abenomics”
According to Takahiro Mitani, trashing your currency, destroying your bond market and gutting the real wages of domestic citizens is a surefire ticket to economic success.
Memo To Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: Does Your Crony Capitalist Plunder Know No Shame?
Folks, banks are not free enterprise institutions; they are wards of the state that would not even remotely exist in their current Wall Street incarnation without the state subsidies and safety nets.
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