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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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Krugman’s Latest Debt Denial: Why His Two Magic Numbers Don’t Cut It
Professor Krugman is at it again–conjuring fairy tales about a benign long-term fiscal outlook. Notwithstanding that the public debt has surged from 40% to 75% of GDP during the six short years since 2008, he claims there is no reason to fret and that there is no debt spiral anywhere in the future.
Three Charts Of The Week: Money Printing Is Not Bringing Prosperity To Main Street
Furious money printing by the world’s major central banks is not generating real growth and prosperity—–but professional economists never seem to get the word.
The Fed’s Financial Repression At Work: How Big Blue Was Turned Into A Wall Street Slush Fund
In its recently completed quarter, IBM again repurchased nearly $4 billion of stock—which amounted to about 93% of its net income for Q2. Likewise, IBM also reported lower sales versus prior year for the ninth quarter in a row.
The Fed’s Paint-By-The-Numbers Insanity: Why Humphrey-Hawkins Should Be Repealed Now
Janet Yellen’s circuitous prattle before the congressional committees this week is a reminder that the Humphrey-Hawkins Act is an obsolete relic and should be repealed.
The Implosion Is Near: Signs Of The Bubble’s Last Days
The central banks of the world are massively and insouciantly pursuing financial instability. That’s the inherent result of the 68 straight months of zero money market rates that have been forced into the global financial system by the Fed and its confederates.
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