Video content of David Stockman | TalkMarkets
Editor, David Stockman's Contra Corner
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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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1 to 9 of 9 Posts
Retail Investors Heading For The Slaughter One More Time
David Stockman says retail investors are going to take, yet, another very big hit. He warns the next crash will be bigger than any other in history.
David Stockman CNBC Interview: Tops In—Next Comes An Epochal Deflation
Next comes an epochal deflation.
CNBC Interview On The PE Multiple Scam—Forward Hockey Sticks Ex-Items Are Not “Earnings”
Former OMB Director David Stockman joins CNBC's Rick Santelli for a talk about market variations. (Video Length: 00:03:52)
David Stockman: Washington Is Kicking The Can While Wearing A Blindfold
Why we need to stop ignoring the U.S. debt problem? (Video Length: 00:13:14)
CNBC Interview: David Stockman Trashes The Fed
The bond rally continues. (Video length 00:03:10)
David Stockman Interview On Bloomberg TV: Reagan History Is Revisionist Mythology
Discussing how President Ronald Reagan and House Speaker Tip O’Neill approached fiscal policy and the mythology surrounding the Reagan Administration.
David Stockman CNBC Interview: The Infrastructure Starvation Myth
Infrastructure: Beltway code for deficit spending? (Video Length: 00:01:55)
David Stockman Interview On The End Of The American Imperium And Washington’s Perfect Storm Of Policy Failure
David Stockman is extremely concerned by the "perfect storm" he sees of concurrent failures in US policy across foreign, monetary, economic, and fiscal fronts.
David Stockman Interview On CNBC: Markets Teetering On Edge—-Beware Of Black Swan
Is the fear trade back?
1 to 9 of 9 Posts