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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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How The Fed Turned A Flood Of Treasury Debt Into A Scarcity Of Repo Collateral
Here’s a shocking tidbit. The Fed’s financial repression policies have so contorted the government bond market that repo on 5-year treasuries has recently been trading at a negative 25 basis points.
Iraq Policy: Washington’s Puzzle Palace Keeps Getting Curiouser
Let’s count the ways. It goes without saying that Obama is now busily bombing American military equipment. Some of that equipment is pretty high tech gear and especially lethal—not the kind that jihadists ordinarily train with in their desert lairs or mountain redoubts.
More On Yellen’s Invisible Bubbles: Meet Goldman’s FIGSCO—or “Fixed Income Structured Covered Obligation”
As we said yesterday, the massive bubble resulting from central bank financial repression is hiding in plain sight in the structured finance space.
Hidden Financial Bombs: Margin Calls Hit Hedge Funds Speculating In Freddie/Fannie Bonds With High Repo Leverage
Markets are more dangerous than ever before because six years of radical financial repression by the central banks have planted booby-traps everywhere.
The Financialization Of American Business: How Cheap Debt Fuels The Bubble
Monetary central planning is failing to achieve Keynesian “escape velocity” because it has deeply impaired the engines of capitalist enterprise.
Wall Street Isn’t Fixed: TBTF Is Alive And More Dangerous Than Ever
Practically since the day Lehman went down in September 2008 Washington has been conducting a monumental farce.
Market Maven Warns Fed’s 3rd Bubble, This Century Heading For 20% Tumble
Mark Hulbert is the dean of market chart-watchers. So his warning that three key signals of a market correction are now flashing in unison, and that this condition has invariably led to a 20% market drop over the last 45 years, should not be taken lightly under any circumstance.
Three Chart Alarm: The Fed Has Set-Up The Corporate Bond Market For A Big Fall
The three charts below, which appeared in this morning’s Wall Street Journal, are still another reminder that the Fed’s heedless fueling of the third financial bubble this century has done enormous damage to the internals of financial markets.
Don’t Buy This Dip: The Fed Is Not Your Friend
During the last 64 months “buying the dips” has been a fabulously successful proposition. As shown in the sizzling graph of the NASDAQ 100 below, at it recent peak just under 4,000 this index of the high-growth, big cap non-financials stood at an astonishing 3.5X its March 2009 low.
Argentina’s Historical Company—–181 Sovereign Defaults Since 1800
On July 30th Argentina defaulted for the second time in 13 years, and for the eighth time in its history.
No Tears For Argentina—-But A Swift Kick To The Greenspan Fed Is Warranted
Argentina has (apparently) defaulted again. This is the seventh time in its history, but no tears are warranted. For more than a half-century, its government has been a chronic fount of fiscal profligacy and statist economic schemes that have destroyed its once fabulous national wealth.
On Dominoes, WMDs And Putin’s “Aggression”: Imperial Washington Is Intoxicated By Another Big Lie
Imperial Washington is truly running amuck in its insensible confrontation with Vladimir Putin. The pending round of new sanctions is a counter-productive joke.
My Thoughts On Pat Buchanan’s Brilliant And Incisive Take On Washington’s Ukrainian Fiasco
In just 800 words Pat Buchanan exposes the sheer juvenile delinquency embodied in Washington’s current Ukrainian fiasco.
The Keynesian Money Printers Repudiated Again: June New Home Sales Swoon
New home sales during June really hit the skids, posting a 8% decline from May and a 11.5% drop from last June. In whole numbers, the print came at a paltry 406,000 annualized rate compared to Wall Street expectations of 475,000.
C’mon Alan! Bubbles Are Caused By Central Bankers, Not “Human Nature”
Alan Greenspan just cannot give up the ghost. During his baleful 18-year reign, the Fed was turned into a serial bubble machine—and thereby became a clear and present danger to honest free market capitalism and an enemy of the 99% who do not benefit from the Wall Street casino and the vast inflatio
This Time Is Not Different: Why The Market Is Heading For A Fall
The 2008 Wall Street meltdown is long forgotten, having been washed away by a tsunami of central bank liquidity. Indeed, the S&P closed yesterday at 1,983—or up by nearly 200% from its March 2009 low.
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