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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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Why There Is No Noticeable Benefit From The Fed’s Policies
Needless to say, the only cohort to experience net wealth gains roughly in line with nominal GDP growth during this 34-year period was the bottom 65.7 million households.
The $1.3 Trillion Elephant In The Room
It is becoming more apparent by the day is that the money-printers at the Fed have led Washington into a massive fiscal calamity.
Why The Great Labor Arbitrage Is Coming To An End…
When it comes to Keynesian central banking, it might well be said that if you paint by the numbers you are stuck with the brush.
Why Debt Serfdom Is Not Prosperity
The recent news that US home prices in December were up by 6.1% on a Y/Y basis is just one more reminder of why the Fed’s pro-inflation policies are so insidious.Here is a deeper dive into the situation.
Welcome To The Casino—Mostly Open Less Than 24 Hours!
Nearly half the options on S&P 500 stocks are zero days.
Vietnam Is Now The Fastest Growing Exporter To The US
So much for Eisenhower's falling-dominoes theory of Indochina.
Inflation: Joe Biden Gets It Red Hot!
Government data mavens like to report the annualized rate of change for the most recent monthly or quarterly release. Alas, Friday’s CPI report for May was not one of those occasions—since that number came in at a smoking hot 11.6%.
CPI Is Running At 2.43% Y/Y Based On Services Alone
CPI Is Running At 2.43% Y/Y Based On Services Alone
Transitory Is So Yesterday
Why inflation is no longer transitory?
What Inflation? Housing Is A Capital Asset, Stupid!
Rising home prices could boost rent inflation.
Janet Yellen's Return & The Financial Storm Ahead...
Janet Yellen is back. Naturally, the follies of Keynesian central banking come to mind.
Fed Heading At Warp Speed Toward A Monetary Brick Wall
What commenced with Alan Greenspan’s market-supporting assurances of liquidity and asymmetric rate policy this week took a dreadful turn for the worse.
Davos Man - Misbegotten Progeny Of Keynesian Central Bankers
There were a reported 119 billionaires attending the Davos confab this year – plus the Donald, who took a day off from Impeachment to address this august gathering of the world’s movers and shakers.
Mach Schnell, Mario! You Didn't Help A Bit
This chart says it all.
Global Slowdown? Mexico’s GDP Declines Year-Over-Year For First Time Since 2009
In the third quarter of 2019, Mexico notched up its first year-over-year decline in GDP since the final quarter of 2009, when it was in the midst of a sharp recession brought on by the Financial Crisis.
What Strong Jobs Market?
The US economy has generated just 11,000 breadwinner jobs per month for the last 19 years running.
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