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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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Alert From Chongqing: Foxconn Strike Is An Epochal Inflection Point
Foxconn workers are striking again—this time in Chongqing. But you have to look at the map to see why this is an event of extraordinary significance.
Inside September’s “Born Again” Jobs Report
The September jobs report was greeted by a flurry of robo-trader exuberance because another print well above 200k purportedly signals that growth is underway and profits will remain in high cotton as far as the eye can see.
The Siege Of Kobani: Obama’s Syrian Fiasco In Motion
Another humanitarian catastrophe may be just hours away at Kobani. The latter is the Syrian Kurdish town on the border with Turkey that is now surrounded by ISIS tanks and is being pounded day after day by ISIS heavy artillery.
September Jobs: Some Numbers Bubblevision Didn’t Mention
The employment-to-population ratio of 59.0% last month compared to just under 62% six years ago and 64.2% in the year 2000.
Mirabile Dictu! Ireland’s Debt-Ridden Government Is Now Being Paid To Borrow
The price and yield of government bonds no longer have anything to do with risk or economics; it's all about central bank machinations. Down is the new Up.
The Lie Of Lehman Revisionism: A Bailout Shouldn’t Have Happened And Didn’t Matter
Here come the revisionists with new malarkey about the 2008 financial crisis.
The Goldman Tapes And Why The Delusion Of Macro-Prudential Regulation Means The Next Crash Is Nigh
There is nothing like the release of secret tape recordings to clarify an inconclusive debate. I recall that happening with Nixon back in the day.
Peak Debt: Why The Keynsian Money Printers Are Done
Bloomberg has a story today on the faltering of Draghi’s latest scheme to levitate Europe’s somnolent socialist economies by means of a new round of monetary juice called TLTRO—–$1.3 trillion in essentially zero cost four-year funding to European banks.
Welcome To Barack Obama’s Syrian Gong Show
This war is only three days old and it's already a gong show. It's become at least a four-front affair—with Obama’s “broad” coalition amounting to little more than a few stealth Arab nations renting back to Washington the equipment and American-trained pilots it had earlier provided them.
The Fed’s Credit Channel Is Broken And Its Bathtub Economics Has Failed
Among the many evils of monetary central planning is the conceit that 12 members of the FOMC can actually tweak the performance of a $17 trillion economy on virtually a month to month basis—using the crude tools of interest rate pegging and word cloud emissions (i.e. “verbal guidance”).
They Do Ring A Bell At The Top: Alibaba Proves Wall Street Is Off Its Rocker
On Friday Alibaba gained $65 billion of market cap in 5 minutes! And that was on top of the $170 billion IPO price—-a valuation that was not all that shabby to begin with. In fact, BABA weighed in for the opening bell at 20X its $8.6 billion in sales.
The Keynesian State Wreck Ahead
The median U.S. household income in 2012 was $51,000, but that’s nothing to crow about. That same figure was first reached way back in 1989— meaning that the living standard of Main Street America has gone nowhere for the last quarter century.
How Financial Bubbles Fester And Burst—Even As The Fed Says Not To Worry
The starting point is to recognize that once they gain a head of steam, financial bubbles tend to envelope virtually every nook and cranny of the economy, creating terrible distortions and destructive excesses as they rumble forward.
Newsflash To Fed: 122 Billion Bottles Of Beer On The Wall Is A Mega-Bubble
While Janet Yellen and her band of money printers work themselves up into a tizzy over whether two buzz words—-“considerable time”—– should be dropped from their post-meeting word cloud, they might be better advised to just read the newspapers.
Wall Street At Work Aggravating Risk—-Would You Like Some Leverage On Them Junk Bonds!
As highlighted in the Bloomberg piece below, fund managers are still insisting on a 10%+ return, but not by buying fewer over-valued junk bonds. No, they are just buying them on leverage in order to goose the yield on their own capital at risk.
Barack, We Hardly Knew Ye
This memorable stanza from the classic anti-war song could not be more apt with respect to Barack Obama. He became President because he campaigned across the land draped in the garlands of peace.
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