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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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Meet The New Recession Cycle — It's Triggered By Bursting Bubbles, Not Surging Inflation
Effectively, the Greenspan-Bernanke era of massive financial repression caused the subtle and flexible tool of credit price rationing to be displaced by a blunt instrument. Namely, balance sheet saturation or “peak debt”.
A Tale Of Two Streets: Main Street Lagging, Wall Street Booming
The most important number in today’s GDP revisions for Q4 was $16.20 trillion. That’s the annualized constant dollar (2009 $) value of final sales during the quarter and, naturally, it was not mentioned in any of the media reports.
The Bottom’s Not In — Why This Market Is Dumber Than A Mule
They’re trying to put in a bottom - again! The sell-off earlier this week amounted to the sixth sizeable “dip” since November 20 - so the market’s ingrained reflex was back at work buying up the “bargains”.
Thank You, Fed - Warren And Jorge Are Thrilled By Another Play In The Casino
Kraft shareholders woke up $12 billion richer this morning and for that they should thank their lucky stars - or at least send a case of Cristal to Janet and her merry band of money printers.
Why Yellen & The Feds Are Bubble Blind—They Apparently Believe Wall Street’s EPS Scam
Surveying the Fed’s handiwork during last week’s press conference, Janet Yellen noted that all was fantastic except that stocks were now slightly “on the high side” of their historical range. You can say that again.
C’mon Angela, Let Them Grexit
With each passing day it becomes more obvious that Europe is heading for an epochal financial conflagration. So buy-the-dip if you must, but don’t believe for a minute that the US has decoupled.
The Financial Folly Lurking Beneath Yellen’s Patient Lack Of Impatience
Тhe financial system has ballooned dramatically faster than the real economy over recent decades - even in terms of nominal GDP, including the latter’s considerable element of pure price inflation on a cumulative long-term basis.
Pushing On A String: The Fed’s Spectacular Failure To Stimulate Housing
The “incoming data” was disappointing again this morning – this time the culprit was housing starts which were off by 17% from January. But please don’t blame the “weather” again.
Market Tops In! Why Buy-The-Dippers Can’t Get It Up
After the Fed has spent six-years inflating a new and even more stupendous financial bubble — the third this century— the market top is in.
Duck This Dip —There’s More Crazy Stuff Coming
That didn’t take long! Yesterday’s rip was supposed to have turned the market back up. Its close at well above the “crucial” 2060 chart point on the S&P 500 cash index meant “support” had held.
Why The Dollar Is Rising As The Global Monetary Bubble Craters
As trite as it sounds, the US dollar is the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry. And on a relative basis, its is going to look even cleaner as two decades of monetary madness around the world finally hit the shoals.
The Great Immoderation: How The Fed Is Sowing The Next Recession
The credit channel of monetary policy transmission has long been over and done because the US economy has reached a condition of peak debt.
Merger Monday In The Casino: Why SPG’s Paying 56X For Macerich’s Going Nowhere Malls
The nation’s largest luxury mall operator, Simon Property Group, has announced a hostile offer for the other large US luxury mall operator, Macerich. Naturally, that made for a market surge well above the offer price.
Six Years Of Bull Market
Never has there been a more artificial—indeed, phony—gain in the stock market than the 215% eruption orchestrated by the Fed since the post-crisis bottom six years ago today.
Chart Of The Day: Fed Faces Tsunami Of Maturing Treasuries For Next 10 Years
In today's "chart of the day," David Stockman takes a look at maturing treasuries.
Thanks For The Corporate Bond Bubble, Fed
The Eccles Building has grown its balance sheet by 9X since the turn of the century, but real net investment in the business sector has plunged by 33%!
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