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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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The Fed’s Paint-By-The-Numbers Delusions About The Labor Market
Another “jobs Friday” brought a predictable outbreak of delighted squeals from the bubblevision commentariat. This is shaping up to be the one of the best years for jobs growth during the entire 21st century.
Fed Money Printers At Work: Top 1% Gains Now Exceed Annual Social Security, Medicare & All Other Social Spending
One of Liberty Blitzkrieg’s most popular posts in 2013 was titled: How Does America’s Middle Class Rank Globally? The data in that article was based on a comprehensive study published by Credit Suisse titled Global Wealth Data Book. Well, the 2014 version is now out, and the results are not pretty.
Ritual Incantation—–The Economic Gibberish Of The Keynesian Apparatchiks
The state’s central banking branch has gotten so deep into ritualized Keynesian governance that it’s essentially attempting to micro-manage vast accumulations of GDP—-about $17 trillion each in the US and Europe—-on a monthly basis.
Memo To Bill Gross: Shut Up And Stick To Your Shuffleboard
During the golden era, bond managers made their living by investing capital, not by front-running the central banks of the world as do speculators like the bond king.
The BOJ Jumps The Monetary Shark—–Now The Machines, Madmen And Morons Are Raging
This is just plain sick. Hardly a day after the greatest central bank fraudster of all time, Maestro Greenspan, confessed that QE has not helped the main street economy and jobs, the lunatics at the BOJ flat-out jumped the monetary shark.
Good Riddance To QE—-It Was Just Plain Financial Fraud
QE has finally come to an end, but public comprehension of the immense fraud it embodied has not even started.
Wall Street Is One Sick Puppy—Thanks To Even Sicker Central Banks
In just the eight year period leading up the crisis of 2012, the ECB’s balance sheet had exploded by 4X
The Canary In Big Blue’s Mainframe: Why IBM’s Q3 Bust Marks A Turning Point
IBM’s board and C-suite have eschewed the demanding work of technological innovation and investment in the future, and, instead, have turned the world’s leading technology company into a stock buyback machine on steroids.
About The Obama Recovery—-No Progress On The Poverty Front
The more I review the United States Census Bureau’s recent report on income and poverty, the more troubled I become. The numbers describing the economic status of Americans are virtually all negative. Especially considering that we are five years from the end of the recession.
Kudos To Herr Weidmann For Uttering Three Truths In One Speech
Once in a blue moon officials commit truth in public, but the intrepid leader of Germany’s central bank has delivered a speech which let’s loose of three of them in a single go.
Now Comes The “Specter Of Deflation”: The Money Printers’ Latest Scam
The Fed’s public relations firm of Hilsenrath & Blackstone was out this morning with the official line on the market’s tremors of recent days.
Europe Keynesian Rebuke: It’s The Supply Side, Not Lo-Flation
Europeans outside of Germany have experienced a 90% decline in the purchasing power of their money during the post-Bretton Woods era of so-called enlightened monetary management.
This Time Is Different — For The First Time In 25 Years The Wall Street Gamblers Are Home Alone
When Bernanke & Co. stalled off the August 2007 correction for nearly a year, they still had plenty of dry powder. But now, the Fed has already played its cards.
How Central Bank Financial Repression Has Sown Bubble Liquidation And Industrial Deflation
Nearly two decades of central bank financial repression have created huge distortions and imbalances in the world economy.
Fed’s Evans Says Stronger Dollar Is Bad—–Will Mean Too Little Inflation!
The Fed’s Keynesian model is hopelessly flawed, but no one could more effectively demonstrate that, even if inadvertently, than the Chicago Fed’s true believer, Charles Evans.
The Fed’s 2% Inflation Target: The Ultimate Keynesian Con Job
The old adage that if something is repeated often enough it is soon assumed to be true couldn’t be more apt with respect to the Fed’s 2% inflation target.
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