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David A. Stockman is the ultimate Washington insider turned iconoclast. He began his career in Washington as a young man and quickly rose through the ranks of the Republican Party to become the Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. After leaving the White ...more


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Duck And Cover—The Lull Is Breaking, The Storm Is Nigh
In short, what is happening now is that risk is coming out of hiding, the collateral chains are buckling, the financial time bombs are beginning to explode.
Dream On Herr Hatzius: You Dwell In A Giant Collapsing Bubble
Right now the market is trading its the highest Q ratio in 100 years other than a brief few months at the peak of the dotcom madness.
This Time Is The Same: Like The Housing Bubble, The Fed Is Ignoring The Shale Bubble In Plain Sight
There is not a more toxic combination than the high fixed costs of fracked oil wells, which produce 90% of their lifetime output in less than two years, and the massive range of short-run uncertainty that applies to the selling price of crude oil.
Bloomberg’s House Bonehead Clarifies All–Central Banks Should Literally Drop Money From Helicopters
The reason there is a terrible financial cataclysm ahead is that mainstream thinking has degenerated into outright quackery.
Only Yesterday—-How The Federal Debt Went From $1 Trillion To $18 Trillion In 33 Years
In the great fiscal scheme of things, October 22, 1981 seems like only yesterday. That’s the day the US public debt crossed the $1 trillion mark for the first time. It had taken the nation 74,984 days to get there (205 years).
Why Every Asset Price Which Influences Monetary Policy Transmission Is Now Manipulated
Keynesian economists are annoying enough when they are pitching inflated financial assets on Wall Street or the supposed curative powers of fiscal deficits on Capitol Hill.
Krugman And Rogoff Peddling Toxic Advice
Here are a couple of reasons why Keynesian economists are truly a menace in today’s bubble-ridden and debt-impaled world.
How Bloomberg’s Algo-Writers Serve The Cult Of Keynesian Central Banking
Industrial profits in China fell the most in two years, underscoring the need for looser monetary conditions as the world’s second-largest economy slows.
Central Bank “Wealth Effects” Doctrine At Work
The purpose of central bank financial repression and ZIRP is to distort and inflate asset prices. Our monetary politburo even admits that it is in the monetary scam business via its self-serving doctrine called “wealth effects”.
Why Crony Capitalism Will Be Hard To Uproot: Interview Of David Stockman
The problem today is that we have reached ‘peak debt.’
Another Keynesian Debt Boondoggle: How Brussels Plans To Turn $26 Billion Into $390 Billion
The desperation and fraud of the Keynesian policy apparatus gets more stunning by the day. Apparently, the pettifoggers in Brussels will soon be announcing a new $400 billion bazooka to blast the euro-economy out of its lethargy.
Sell, Sell, Sell…..The Central Bank Madmen Are Raging
The global financial system has come unglued.
Deformations On The Dealer Lots: How The Fed’s ZIRP Is Fueling The Next Subprime Bust
On any given day, Janet Yellen is busy squinting at 19 essentially meaningless labor market graphs on her “dashboard” looking for evidence that ZIRP is working.
Why Japan’s Money Printing Madness Matters
The announcement that Japan has plunged into a triple dip recession should have been lights out for Abenomics.
Take Cover Now – They Don’t Ring A Bell At The Top
After the minor 8% correction in October, the dip buyers came roaring back and the shorts got sent to the showers still another time.
Black Tuesday - The War Party Won
In a word, the War Party won. This means that the Warfare State will prosper, the budget deficit will again soar, more government shutdowns will materialize and the day of fiscal reckoning will come that much sooner.
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