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July 2021 Import Sea Container Growth Continues At A Record Pace
3 years ago

Are allof those containers FULL? could there be empties in the stack? What sort of dollar valueis included? And where are the containers destined to?

Market Briefing For Thursday, Aug. 19
3 years ago

Indeed the times are changing and it is not an improvement, and as each new version of this plague is released it is shownto be a very effective weapon indeed.  What other explanation works for the different versions appearing in distantseparated regions? So it is a weapon that got out prematurely and now the testing is being done to seejust which version is most effective. Certainly not a sunshine announcement.

The U.S. Dollar Braces For Fed Tapering And Tightening
3 years ago

I have always seen mortgage backed securiies as a rather deadly poison with a very sweet small. That is to say no good can come of their existaance. he one past financial crisis was caused by these and it is not clear that exactly the same thing will not happen again. And when interest rates do increase, as certainly they need to, where will the profitability of those securities head? It is indeed a real fool that refuses to learn from mistakes.

The Myth Of Pent-Up Demand
3 years ago

"Pent upDemand" is such a very Keynsian concept,  and certainly a term useful for describing future growth and profit. Unfortunately it aso seems to be a bit mythical, and actually an incorrect understanding of cause and effect. It is not that there is such a demand, but rather that many tend to avoid spending money that they do not have. Sometimes "common wisdom" leads to holding on to one's resources in anticipation of future conditions being unfavorable. When that future is found to be not as bad as anticipated the priorities change. But when the future remains uncertain then the holding persists.

Market Briefing For Tuesday, Aug. 17
3 years ago

The disaster and the brutality that will follow will show the rest of the world exactly whattghe taliban and their religion are all about. But it will be too late because they will be training their terrorist minions in the art of destruction and the free world will not be able to stop the damage, even with nuclear carpet bombing. At that poing global warming may look good, so that we no longer need fuel for heating.

Tuesday Talk: Tread, Turmoil And Churn
3 years ago

My thoughts now are that I am not able to see whatever the responses to my comment are. Or possibly it saw my looking back at my comments as another conmmenting on my comments. Which it was not.

My "consumer Sentiment" is that the Federal Reserve is a bunch of cronies manipulating the economy for their personal benefit, and for their friends benefit as well. The main lie is that inflation benefits all of us. No! Inflation only fails to harm those who are able to conveniently increase their incomes to accomodate inflation. That excludes the vast majority of the world population, not just a large portion of the US population.

Tuesday Talk: Tread, Turmoil And Churn
3 years ago

As for the value of gold, keep in mind that when the valueof dollaars is only in their heating value if you burn them, GOLD will still work to buy food. So physical gold does have something going for it.

The Real World
3 years ago

Finally getting to read these after a long power outage due to a brutal storm on the eleventh. Long power outages, 99 hours, and windbroken trees damaged all over. Total disruption of normal life. 

And I certainly hope that THESE do not become normal.

Always Read Beyond The Headlines
3 years ago

It is a given that headlines are carefully worded propaganda intended to attract attention and boost sales. Any relation to reality is secondary. Thus it is indeedALWAYS important to see the rest of the article following those headlines.

I learned this back in nineth grade from probably the best school teacher in my high school career. That woman went beyond the minimum course requirements. Now, sixty years later, her lessons are still valuable.

In this article: O, TRNO, LAND, VER
Could Inflation Actually Be A Good Thing For Retail?
3 years ago

For those of us without a convenient means of increasing our income, and having no desire to "spend, spend, spend", inflation is an enemy, plain and simple. The reduced purchasing value of the money spent at stores is also reduced for whatever the stores will be spending it on, as well. So while the numbers might look good for the stores the actual benefit is  very short term.  Thus, really, for the majority of non-financial business people, inflation is not a benefit at all.

So it would be better for most of humanityif the liars would be forced to either speak the whole truth, or stop speaking at all.

I dislike being lied to.

In this article: LULU
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