I just don't understand those "diamond hand" kids who pumped their life savings into GameStop but refused to sell. I get that they wanted to teach the Hedge funds and shorts a lesson. But they could have sold for hundreds more than they paid and made millions. Instead they refused to sell and took a loss.
The squeeze wouldn’t be on $SLV. The squeeze would be on the physical silver. Which would increase the price of $SLV. And if they are creating more $SLV units that takes more bars off the market that become allocated to $SLV and not otherwise deliverable. Unless of course two of the largest banks in the world are committing indisputable black and white fraud as many other posting on this thread think they are. Squeezing an etf or etf-like instrument like $SLV makes no sense on its own. At least that half of the argument they get right.
I think these are two of the most likely EV stocks to rocket. I foresee CCP ensuring #NIO competes with #Tesla on the world stage. NIO will go deep into triple digits. $NIO$WKHS$TSLA
Latest Comments
IRobot Attempting A Breakout After Short Interest Spike
Great article, thanks.
Meet The $4,460 EV Some Are Saying Could Dethrone Tesla In China
Yes, this little car could become China's EV version of the VW bug, for all those old enough to remember that favorite.
The Holy Trinity, Gold And Silver
Very interesting, thanks for the read.
The Gamers’ Uprising Against Wall Street Has Deep Populist Roots
I just don't understand those "diamond hand" kids who pumped their life savings into GameStop but refused to sell. I get that they wanted to teach the Hedge funds and shorts a lesson. But they could have sold for hundreds more than they paid and made millions. Instead they refused to sell and took a loss.
Have You Considered This Dual Income Strategy?
You have some great articles. Would like to see more by you.
5 Overvalued Dow Components – April 2019
Great, articles. Would love to see more by you.
The Reddit "SLV Squeeze" Won't Work – This Could
The squeeze wouldn’t be on $SLV. The squeeze would be on the physical silver. Which would increase the price of $SLV. And if they are creating more $SLV units that takes more bars off the market that become allocated to $SLV and not otherwise deliverable. Unless of course two of the largest banks in the world are committing indisputable black and white fraud as many other posting on this thread think they are. Squeezing an etf or etf-like instrument like $SLV makes no sense on its own. At least that half of the argument they get right.
Steer Clear Of These 2 Popular Electric Vehicle Stocks
I think these are two of the most likely EV stocks to rocket. I foresee CCP ensuring #NIO competes with #Tesla on the world stage. NIO will go deep into triple digits. $NIO $WKHS $TSLA
GameStop - Game Over
Good read, thank you for sharing.
Goldman Warns If The Short Squeeze Continues, The Entire Market Could Crash
Shorting stocks should be illegal.