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Lesson Number One In Globanomics
4 years ago

Good stuff.

Twitter Incurs Republicans' Wrath
4 years ago

Russian collusion may be fake news, but Russian interference is not. The commies need to stay out of our elections. That's more important than whichever candidate wins.

The Day After
4 years ago

I am completely baffled by Trump's recent behavior. It's almost as if he's trying to lose the election.

The Chopfest Intensifies
4 years ago

Very true. And Trump isn't out of the woods yet. I have several friends who survived Covid and they've all told me that many seem to get better, before they get worse. Anything can still happen... unless of course Trump is faking it which is always a possibility but I think less likely.

In this video: QQQ, DIA, IWM, SPY
Google, Netflix, Nvidia And Organovo Technical Analysis
4 years ago

Agreed, I wish more of these authors at least included transcripts for their videos. I can read far more quickly than I can listen.

In this video: GOOG, NFLX, NVDA, ONVO
Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

I don't know why. I don't have an answer to this. But it's still pretty darn high. And there were countries like Italy and the UK which were overwhelmed pretty early and were not prepared - they didn't even know to do basics like be socially distant back then. Initially the UK did not lockdown either.

What I find more interesting is why countries like Iran and China are so much lower down on the list. I believe they are lying about the numbers. China had only 3 deaths per million? That puts them as one of the best in the world even though it started there before they even knew what it was. I highly doubt that.

Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

This is a great link DRM, thank you. I've been searching for something like this for a long time. But it seems to counter your own argument. If you click on the "Deaths/1 Million Population," to sort by that specific criteria, Sweden, though not the highest, is ranked very very high at #8. Even higher than the US which is at $10

Death, Economics And Coronavirus
4 years ago

Yes Ayelet, it seems depending on what site you go to, the data means something else. Sadly, everyone has an agenda these days. But to clarify,i it's not quite accurate to say that Sweden did nothing. They did ask all citizens to social distance and practice proper hygiene, and they did ban gatherings over 50. I would say even in countries where such practices were mandated by law, a high percentage of the population ignored the mandate.

Lowe's - A Russell 3000 Star
4 years ago

What about $HD? How's Home Depot performing by comparison?

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