The pandemic is not over people. We can pretend it is, start reopening the economy etc. But Trump's positive spin, while may fooling us, will have no impact on the virus. All this will do is make it easier for it to spread, damaging the economy even more and prolonging the pain.
I would think it will be quite a while before casinos are able to reopen. And even longer before they can attract large crowds again. I'd say the time is not yet on hand as they will still be feeling a lot of hurt in the coming months.
Smart. My son who was listening to the doctors warned me to stock up. I instead listened to our president, silly me. I told my son he was being ridiculous and overreacting. Who's the fool now?
Latest Comments
Interview With Janover Ventures: Improving The Commercial Real Estate Borrowing Experience One Loan At A Time
Really interesting idea, I like it. But is it really a 3.6 trillion dollar problem? That sounds high, how did you get to that number?
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When do the $600 payments end. Are we eligible and when do we need to file by?
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Even if you don't care about keeping yourself safe, please think of those around you - wear a mask.
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This is Microsoft's go to strategy. Remember what it did to Netscape?
Blockbuster SAR-CoV2 Disrupters Pre-ICU / Admitted ICU Patient Treatments & COVID-19 T-Cell Vaccine Horizon
Wow, very thorough and impressive!
Powell Pumps Stocks
The pandemic is not over people. We can pretend it is, start reopening the economy etc. But Trump's positive spin, while may fooling us, will have no impact on the virus. All this will do is make it easier for it to spread, damaging the economy even more and prolonging the pain.
Casino Stocks Could Be A Good Bet Soon
I would think it will be quite a while before casinos are able to reopen. And even longer before they can attract large crowds again. I'd say the time is not yet on hand as they will still be feeling a lot of hurt in the coming months.
COVID-19 And The Soloflex Economy
Smart. My son who was listening to the doctors warned me to stock up. I instead listened to our president, silly me. I told my son he was being ridiculous and overreacting. Who's the fool now?
COVID-19 And The Soloflex Economy
I've seen shortages of lots of stuff. I still have a hard time finding freaking toilet paper! Can't wipe my butt with a soloflex!
Warrants On Algernon Pharmaceuticals Up 4,000% In 6 Months
Good read, thanks.