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WisdomTree launched its first ETFs in June of 2006, and is currently the industry's seventh largest ETF provider. WisdomTree sponsors 93 distinct ETFs that span asset classes and countries around the world. Categories include: U.S. and International Equity, Currency, Fixed Income and ...more

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Bitcoin And The Planet – Has Anything Changed?
Given what we know today about the state of bitcoin and where we believe it is heading, we do not think investors are necessarily abandoning ESG principles by owning bitcoin.
A Surprisingly Low-Vol Asset Class
Relative valuation discounts typically reflect higher volatility, slower earnings growth, and/or less predictable earnings.
“Consumed” By Inflation
The “word of the week” in the U.S. financial markets last week was no doubt “inflation.”
Ethereum, The Triple Halving
Different upcoming events on the Ethereum network could be interpreted in the same way as “halving,” even if there is no finite supply of ether and the Ethereum protocol does not have the same provisions as the bitcoin protocol.
Revisiting “Disruptive Growth”
With COVID-19 vaccinations accelerating and the global economy in what we believe is the early stages of a steady recovery, we anticipate that 2021 generally will be a constructive “risk-on” market environment.
When Cap-Weighted Small-Cap Funds Own “Meme” Stocks
I cannot say whether GameStop or the other meme stocks will get their businesses back on their feet. What I can say is that, if you are tracking various small-cap indexes, you just might own them, like it or not
An Inflationary Mulligan Stew
Last week, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seemed to forget for a moment that she was in a new role—one that does not set monetary policy. Against that backdrop, let’s just say Secretary Yellen got her first mulligan.
Should We Be Singing The Inflation Blues?
Based on the metrics we follow, it might be premature to be singing the “inflation blues.” But many of these metrics will almost certainly rise over the coming months as the global economy recovers, workers return to work.
Back Where It All Began…Almost
The level of U.S. real GDP to begin 2021 almost matched the pre-pandemic reading from Q4 of 2019 and, more importantly, seems poised to break out to the upside.
Checking In On International Equity Markets
Our enthusiasm for international equities hasn’t faded. We’re encouraged by economic data that continues to rebound, while the approval, acquisition and distribution of vaccines seem to be improving.
Why Netflix Isn’t In WisdomTree’s Growth Leaders Fund – And Hasn’t Ever Been
Netflix enjoyed rapid growth for many years while it was the only game in town, growing at 30% CAGR for the last five years. However, in 18 months’ time, that story has rapidly changed. How did Netflix to fall from grace so quickly?
Fed Watch: Same As It Ever Was
Once again, the voting members reiterated their zero-interest-rate policy and kept their quantitative easing (QE) purchases on autopilot.
The 2021 Equity Equation: It’s All About Interest Rates
The Nasdaq gave us a hint about what it thinks of the bond market’s sell-off when it tumbled from 14,095 to 12,609 over 16 sessions in February and March. 
Going Out Like A Lion
Total nonfarm payrolls rose by +916,000 in March, well above consensus forecasts, and the breadth of the job gains was also robust, as goods-producing, services, and government all posted strong showings.
The Unsaid Truths Of China Tech
Chinese technology companies have been in the spotlight lately, and a few under-reported details stand out.
This Summer Poses A Headwind For Stocks With Distant Earnings
With all eyes on the year-long run-up in small caps, it may be wise to note how many companies in the asset class are not turning a profit.
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