Bob Lang | TalkMarkets | Page 11
Private Trader in Equity and Option Markets at Aztec Capital LLC.
Contributor's Links: Explosive Options
Through Explosive Options, Lang acts as an options trading mentor, providing trade ideas based on what he’s doing for his own clients. His focus is on building strong, long-term relationships with his subscribers and making options trading for income more accessible. Using his technical ...more


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What The Volatility Index Is Telling Us
The volatility index (VIX​​​​​​​) measures fear, and right now it’s showing us that a lot of people are worried about a lot of things.
What Sentiment Is Telling Us
Sentiment indicators are clearly showing that investors and traders are sporting some sweat on their brows.
How Will The Stock Market React To The Election?
The big question on everyone’s mind is “How will the stock market react to the election?” We don’t know, of course – but the markets are offering us clues.
Don’t Try To Catch A Market Bottom – Catch The Trend Instead
As tempting as it may be to catch a market bottom, don’t. It’s like to trying to catch a falling knife – risky and dangerous.
This Is Why You Avoid Overvalued Companies
Many analysts are arguing that the current market is overvalued, overbought and out of reach, much like the dotcom era in the 1990’s. This might be true, it might not.
Buckle Up: Elevated Volatility Means Big Moves Are Coming
Most traders associate higher volatility with downward action, but it simply means wider ranges between high and low prices.
What VIX Futures Are Telling Us
VIX futures give us a good idea of where the big money is going at certain points in time.
How To Interpret Current Market Behavior
As a trader, you have so many options when it comes to interpreting current market behavior. And therein lies the problem: where do you start?
Are We In A Stock Market Bubble?
Financial analysts have started speculating that we are in a stock market bubble.
How I Barely Survived The Dot-Com Market Bubble
In 2000, I learned some very valuable – and expensive – lessons that still guide my trading today. It all started during the go-go 1990s, and it ended in a spectacular fashion when the dot-com market bubble burst.
How To Win With Bullish Trades During A Bear Market
If you’re new to trading, you might find it hard to believe that you can win with bullish trades during a bear market.
Waiting On A Stock Market Crash? That’s A Bad Idea
I hate to break it to you, but trying to position yourself to reap a windfall during a stock market crash will cost you a great deal of your wealth.
The Sell Button Is Every Trader’s Best Friend
If you’re in this game for the long-term, you know that the sell button is every trader’s best friend. Bull market or bear market – doesn’t matter. You need to sell to mitigate losses and reap rewards.
Stock Market Halftime Report: Where We Are Now – And What’s Next For 2020
Markets are stabilizing after a historic first half of the year when volatility absolutely exploded and our strong economy crashed. The coronavirus pandemic caused massive damage, and we’ll be assessing the extent of it for quite a while.
SPX 500 Chart Signals Some Downside Is Coming
While the markets have been living the good life for the better part of three months, it appears some downside is coming. The more time I spend with the SPX 500 chart, the more I think that something is brewing under the surface.
Why The Stock Market Predicts Economic Data Will Improve
When you compare the current stock market performance to economic data, you see a major disconnect. Indices are up sharply since the March bottom, even though the unemployment, hospitality sales and retail sales data have been awful.
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