Bob Lang | TalkMarkets | Page 9
Private Trader in Equity and Option Markets at Aztec Capital LLC.
Contributor's Links: Explosive Options
Through Explosive Options, Lang acts as an options trading mentor, providing trade ideas based on what he’s doing for his own clients. His focus is on building strong, long-term relationships with his subscribers and making options trading for income more accessible. Using his technical ...more


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How To Handle Market Uncertainty
As investors and traders, we wish we could constantly be on the right side of the market. Imagine being fully invested when markets are screaming higher. By learning how to handle market uncertainty, you will gain the upper hand.
The US Dollar Is Shrugging Off Inflation While Gold Is Weak – What Gives?
The US dollar seems to be shrugging off inflation right now while gold is looking really weak. This is highly unusual.
Beware The Bearish Sentiment (The Markets Don’t Care)
Bearish sentiment has been trying to force its will on the markets lately. Ignore it. Traders often look for any excuse to find a new trend in equity markets so they feel confident hitting that sell button. This is especially true for bears.
Red Flags In The Stock Market Signal Time For Caution
After months of record highs, red flags in the stock market have appeared.
How To Navigate A No Bid Market
Market makers are not in business to help you make money all the time.
How Long Will The Fed Accept Strong Inflationary Trends?
The cost of goods is exploding around the world, and the Fed seems rather pleased about it. Well, maybe not totally pleased but somewhat satisfied.
Don’t Fear The Fed’s Bond Purchase Taper Plan
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve has pumped liquidity into the economy on a massive scale. It has purchased around $120 million worth of bonds every month and kept the interest rate at zero.
Wait For Stock Follow Through Before Committing
Follow through is important in so many areas of life. In sports, following through with your body helps achieve maximum performance.
These Stocks Will Be Market Leaders For The Second Half Of 2021
Regardless of the optimistic outlook for the second half of 2021, it’s always prudent to take it slow and easy as a trader.
What Is The Skew Index And Is It Relevant?
Right now, a lot of traders are making heavy bets against the market. This has been reflected in record-high skew levels for options.
What Bond Buying Says About Inflation Fears
If long-term inflation was a real problem, the bond vigilantes would be out in droves selling bonds like there was no tomorrow.
To Make Money, You Need To Follow The Money
A trader needs to understand what is happening in real-time but also what may happen down the road. We’re not talking months or years here, that is certainly a requirement for an investor.
How To Find Quality Stocks That Will Rise To The Top
You know the saying “the cream always rises to the top?” It is often true regarding the stock market.
When To Take A Break From Trading
If you’re a full-time trader of stocks, options, commodities, bitcoin, or some other asset class, you’ve had your share of good days and bad days.
How To Manage Low Volatility And Complacent Markets
The Volatility Index, or VIX​​​​​​​, can stay low for quite some time while buyers continue to plow money into stocks.
Time To Slow Down And Protect Your Market Gains
The stock market has rallied sharply so far this year, and we have yet to see the type of pullback that scares the living daylights out of us. This is the perfect time to slow down and protect your market gains.
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