Ronald J. Surz is co-host of the Baby Boomer Investing Show and president of Target Date Solutions and Age Sage, and CEO of GlidePath Wealth Management. Target Date Solutions serves institutional investors, namely 401(k) plans. Age Sage serves do-it-yourself individual investors, and GlidePath ...
more Ronald J. Surz is co-host of the Baby Boomer Investing Show and president of Target Date Solutions and Age Sage, and CEO of GlidePath Wealth Management. Target Date Solutions serves institutional investors, namely 401(k) plans. Age Sage serves do-it-yourself individual investors, and GlidePath serves individual investors who want an advisor. His passion is helping his fellow baby boomers at this critical time in their lives when they are relying on their lifetime savings to support a retirement with dignity. An industry veteran, Ron started his consulting career with A.G. Becker in the 1970s and formed his own consulting firms in the 1990s. With Masters degrees in Applied Mathematics and Finance, Ron publishes regularly and has developed leading edge technologies like the patented Safe Landing Glide Path tracked by the SMART Funds Target Date Index.