Bill Conerly | TalkMarkets | Page 24
Connecting The Dots Between The Economy... And Business!
Dr. Bill Conerly connects the dots between the economy and business decisions. As a consultant, he not only forecasts the economy but also helps business leaders understand how their challenges will change with the evolving economy. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Duke University and was ...more

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Bank Profit Outlook 2016: Earnings Could Rise 50 Percent
Bank earnings increased in the second quarter, and I expect much better performance in 2016. Bank executives can maximize their gains by focusing on loan growth, monitoring deposit levels, and working on employee retention.
China's Long-Term Economic Forecast: Good But Not Recession-Proof
China has many more years of growth ahead of it, until it hits a limit based on the quality of economic policy. They are not yet close to the limits that of their current regime.
What's Next For The Stock Market After A Big Drop?
The ten worst days for the stock market had declines ranging from 20.5 percent at worst, to just 6.7 percent at the tenth-worst.
The Best Argument For The Minimum Wage Is Not Good Enough
Free market economists often predict job losses from a higher minimum wage, while progressives say poverty will be reduced with no loss of employment.
China's Yuan Devaluation: An Effort To Stimulate An Underperforming Economy
China’s devaluation is an effort to stimulate an economy that is growing less rapidly than its potential.
Four Strategies Businesses Will Use To Cope With Higher Minimum Wages
Cities or states are enacting higher minimum wage rates. Businesses should consider one or more of these four strategies: reduce labor usage, substitute equipment for labor, move to a lower-cost area, raise prices.
Misleading Productivity Measures: We Really Are Better Off
"Productivity" is output per hour worked. Output is the value of what is produced, adjusted for inflation. And therein lie two major issues: the value of production, and the adjustment for inflation.
Capital Spending Forecast 2015-2016: Good Reason For Optimism
The strong gain in construction certainly bodes well for equipment spending.
Who Wins From The Greek Deal? European Politicians And Maybe Some Greeks
The new agreement reinforces the precedent that big banks which make bad loans will be bailed out, at least partially. When those banks make good loans, though, they will reap the full benefit.
The Chinese Government's Attempt To Fix Its Stock Market Will Fail
China’s economy has grown by leaps and bounds over the past 45 years, but that does not mean that government officials understand economics.
Greece After The No Vote: Four Options For Greek Banking
With Greek voters saying No to the reforms, the country’s most vital challenge is to keep its banks operating. That is manageable—probably, but just barely.
Oil Price Forecast: Shale 2.0 Will Keep Supply Abundant
The oil revolution changed that thinking. Fracking is more expensive than traditional production, and the benefits don’t last as long as normal development costs.
Greek Panic - Or Is It Just A Party? Watch Twitter For Bank Run News
Alexis Tsipras has a strong hand at the bargaining table, I wrote a few days ago. I did not say he would play his hand well. He has announced that Greek citizens will vote on July 5 whether to accept the foreign creditors’ proposals.
Greece's Bargaining Position: Tsipras Has A Strong Hand
Eurozone finance ministers will look at Greece’s latest proposals in more detail this week, illustrating that Greece has a strong hand at the bargaining table. This strength is surprising given their weak economy.
Commercial Real Estate Forecast After The Fed Tightens
Investment real estate has been generally appreciating in this environment of expanding economic activity and low interest rates, but what will happen when the Fed tightens?
The Fed's Game Plan: Tightening At One-Third Throttle
When the Federal Reserve really wants to make big changes, they push short-term interest rates up or down by three percentage points in a year.
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