Misleading Productivity Measures: We Really Are Better Off

The recent Wall Street Journal article, Silicon Valley Doesn’t Believe U.S. Productivity Is Down, notes the widespread improvement in technology that should be improving productivity across the economy, but isn’t showing up in the statistics. The article notes that plenty of good free apps are not included in output statistics, but also points out that if productivity were really high, employment and wages would be rising much faster. The truth is a little different: consumers are far better off, but not in a way that shows up in labor markets.

Let’s begin with basic concepts. “Productivity” is output per hour worked. Output is the value of what is produced, adjusted for inflation. And therein lie two major issues: the value of production, and the adjustment for inflation. If we could get these right, we’d see hugely higher production, and thus hugely higher productivity, but at hugely lower prices.

Production is valued at the prices we pay for goods. Take beer. Count the number of bottles sold, multiply by the price per bottle, and we have the value of beer produced, by the standard definition. That does not, however, indicate the value to consumers of all that beer. To get value to consumers, we need an immeasurable concept called “consumer surplus.”

After working outside on a hot day, I have a beer. That beer is tremendously valuable to me. I’d pay $20 if that’s what it cost. The second beer is not nearly as valuable to me; maybe I’d pay $3. Over the course of a week, I might be willing to pay a couple of dollars for one or two additional beers. Imagine I have a tally sheet showing the maximum amount I’d be willing to pay for different beers.

Your tally sheet would look different than mine. A sot’s tally sheet would show lots of beers demanded, fairly insensitive to price. My Mormon neighbor’s tally sheet would show lots of zeroes: he won’t buy a beer ever. My wife’s tally sheet shows some willingness to pay for beer, but it’s pretty low because she prefers margaritas.

Now combine all of the tally sheets of all consumers, and sort the numbers by price. We end up with a chart like the one below.

Consumer Surplus

Next we add a line showing the market price. Consumer surplus is difference between the highest value each of us was willing to pay and the price we actually paid. In other words, it’s the area of each column above the red line. That first beer for which I was willing to pay $20 if necessary: it only cost me $2. The consumer surplus is $18. Most buyers would have been willing to pay more than they actually had to pay, so most people get lots of consumer surplus.

The actual price, though, reflects a bunch of people right on the margin: they thought their last beer would be worth just a hair over the price, or just a hair less than the price. The brewery sets the price after considering all of those folks who are very sensitive to price, which is good for those of us willing to pay more.

Let’s switch from physical objects to the new economy. Before the Internet was big, theEncyclopedia Britanica sold for $1,500. Middle class parents with high aspirations for their children paid a high price for the classic reference work. An interesting articlepublished in 2000 argued that Brittanica was done in by cheap CD-ROMs with Encartaor other alternative encyclopedias. Now, of course, Wikipedia is free. There is a great deal of consumer surplus. Every family that wants access to information can get it at zero cost.

Consumer surplus is really high when the price is low or zero, but what’s the value of production? For Wikipedia, we take the number of users time the amount paid—zero—and after extensive arithmetic, we learn that the value of Wikipedia production is zero.

Think, too, of lifesaving medicines and devices. If I get sick and then a $100 drug prescription saves my life, the statisticians say that consumer spending is up by $100. Where does my life figure into the arithmetic? Nowhere, except that some funeral expenditures were avoided. It’s a net loss to the economy that I survived.

Consumer surplus does not appear in our national economic statistics because it is impossible to measure. If we could measure it, however, we would find it soaring thanks to free or cheap apps and life-saving technology. Google maps, Facebook, LinkedIn all provide me with tremendous value for which I pay nothing. Their value comes in at zero, because I pay nothing for them.

Advertising support for some apps does not show up as production, but rather as a cost of producing the things that are advertised. So the App economy creates tremendous consumer surplus with no entry into the sum of economic output. No wonder productivity looks abysmal.

Measurement of prices compounds the problem. Because of inflation, we can’t compare one year with another until we figure out average price changes. The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates the Consumer Price Index, and the underlying data are used in the price indices related to gross domestic product. The BLS, however, cannot measure every single price in the economy.

Snow blowers illustrate the challenge. The New York Times reported:

“In the early 1950’s, Toro began selling mass-market snow blowers, which weighed up to 500 pounds and cost at least $150. As far as the Bureau of the Labor Statistics was concerned, however, snow blowers did not exist until 1978. That was the year when the machines began to be counted in the Consumer Price Index, the source of the official inflation rate. By then, the cheapest model sold for about $100.

In practical terms, this was an enormous price decline compared with the 1950’s, because incomes had risen enormously over this period. Yet the price index completely missed it and, by doing so, overstated inflation. It counted the rising cost of cars and groceries but not the falling cost of snow blowers.”

Think of the many things that used to be expensive and now are cheap: cell phones, laptop computers, music, and encyclopedias come to mind.

Productivity is indeed rising: the value that we get from goods and services has risen hugely in ways that are not captured by national income statistics. We are immeasurably better off—and “immeasurably” is not hyperbole but an exactly description of how much better off we are.


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