Bill Conerly | TalkMarkets | Page 26
Connecting The Dots Between The Economy... And Business!
Dr. Bill Conerly connects the dots between the economy and business decisions. As a consultant, he not only forecasts the economy but also helps business leaders understand how their challenges will change with the evolving economy. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Duke University and was ...more

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Using Economic Data Is Easy With The Fred Database
How your company is performing is not obvious unless you compare it to something else. Looking at economic data can help you understand your own company’s performance. This article explains how to do that with the Fred database, a free source of massive economic data.
Should Businesses Accept Bitcoin?
Bitcoin has strong opportunities for mainstream businesses, but it’s hard to understand from listening to techies explain it. Here is what a company’s management needs to know about Bitcoin.
Audit The Fed? Rand Paul's Bill Won't Improve Monetary Policy
The Federal Reserve injected a couple trillion dollars of stimulus into the economy, dutifully reporting the amount of the stimulus every week.
Should You Convert To Natural Gas Now That Oil Is Cheap?
The top energy play for the last few years has been converting gasoline and diesel-burning motors to run on natural gas.
Will Greece Default On Its Debt?
Greece owes a lot of money. It’s debt is 176 percent of its gross domestic product, a high figure but not the worst in the world. Debt service now takes costs a little over four percent of GDP per year, though some calculate the cost to be just 2.2 percent when various sweeteners are considered.
Housing Forecast 2015: More Construction
Housing was the highest hope for economists at the beginning of last year, and the greatest disappointment at the end of the year. 2015 should be a much better year for construction, but price appreciation probably won’t be any higher than last year.
Gasoline And Greed
Gasoline prices have dropped because our economic system leads greedy business owners to drop prices down to just barely cover their costs
Banking Forecast 2015: Earnings Headed Up
Loan volumes will improve, and this is a major positive for commercial banks. Consumers will continue to grow their credit, but only in pace with their overall income.
Companies Benefitting Society
Let’s celebrate the many, many companies that benefit society, from abattoirs to zirconium processors. We only buy from them if we benefit from their goods and services.
Economic Forecast 2015-2017
The first possible Fed error, tightening too soon and too aggressively, would put 2017 or 2018 in jeopardy. If it tightens too late, we first get an acceleration of inflation and then the Fed slams on the brakes.
Are We Due For A Recession In 2015?
Are we due for a recession? It has been 66 months since the last recession ended (as I write this in December 2014). Not too many people felt that the recession was over back in June 2009, but that’s what the business cycle experts determined.
Oil Price Forecast: 2015-2016
Oil prices are headed down, and I mean down at least $20 a barrel. The key reason is that prices have been high. It’s not a paradox, but a result of the long time lags in oil production.
How To Adjust Your Business Data For Seasonality
Tis the season for economic and business data to get messed up by—the season! Things are not normal this time of year. Shopping for clothing goes up, for building materials goes down, and woe be to the executive who doesn’t recognize the pattern.
Seasonality In Business And Economics: A Primer
Managers need to understand how their business is doing, but normal seasonal variations make this harder.
How Big Is Christmas For Retail?
Christmas is big, no doubt about it. How big depends on what type of retail.
The Danger Of A Big Customer: G T Advanced Technology's Bankruptcy
The first rule of thumb for selling to a big buyer is don’t go overboard. Maintain strong relationships with other customers.
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