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Consumer Metrics Institutes' Review
Article By: Rick Davis
Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:14 AM EDT
The Federal Reserve clearly understands that the headline 4.12% is neither real nor sustainable:
Everything That Happened In 2013 In One Cartoon
Article By: Tyler Durden
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:11 PM EDT
The market happened, and then there was TV, and there was life.
3 Things To Ponder Over Christmas
Article By: Lance Roberts
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:02 PM EDT
I recently analyzed the personal consumption trends as they relate to potential economic growth. Currently there are exceedingly high hopes that the consumer is ready to "take off" in the months ahead. However, is that really the case and can the holiday shopping season give us any clues?
US Credit Risk Appetite Hits Euphoria
Article By: Sober Look
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 7:51 PM EDT
For the first time since Bernanke began hinting about taper, US Credit Risk appetite is at the level of "euphoria."
Relaxing Oil Export Ban Is Bad News For US Consumers
Article By: EconMatters
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 6:43 PM EDT
Domestic oil production, and oil production in North America, is at multi-decade highs. What's next?
A Trip Through The Bitcoin Mines
Article By: Tyler Durden
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 6:39 PM EDT
Bitcoin's currency "mining" takes place not in the earth's crust, or in the basement of the Federal Reserve, but inside supercomputers. Tyler Durden takes an indepth look into these virtual mines.
In this article: BITCOMP
General Motors: Momentum Stock Candidate 2014
Article By: EconMatters
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 3:39 PM EDT
Every year there are at least 4 momentum stocks that capture Wall Street`s fancy. Here's why I think General Motors Company (GM) makes for a good momentum stock candidate in 2014.
In this article: GM
The 7 Must-Know Lessons For The Coming Week
Article By: Cliff Wachtel
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 2:20 PM EDT
Two huge policy moves, two vastly different implications... My conclusion about the coming week with a focus on global stock indexes and what’s moving forex, commodities, and bond markets.
The Unintended Consequences Of Abenomics
Article By: Sober Look
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 1:22 PM EDT
The danger of Japan's current policy (Abenomics) is that the outcome could turn out to be the exact opposite of what was originally intended.
Book Review: Make Your Kid A Millionaire By Kevin McKinley
Article By: Bankers Anonymous
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:12 AM EDT
Anyone who enjoys engaging in the fantasy “My kid could have a lot more money some day than I do!” should read Make Your Kid A Millionaire.
Bloomberg TV Anchor's Bitcoin Stolen On Primetime TV
Article By: Tyler Durden
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:07 AM EDT
Over the past two weeks, Bloomberg anchor Matt Miller has been on a crusade to popularize Bitcoin. This time it backfired.
What We Read Today 25 December 2013
Article By: John Lounsbury
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 10:04 AM EDT
The eleven must read articles of the day.
I Finally Got Snapchat! It All Makes Sense Now!
Article By: Hillel Fuld
Wednesday, December 25, 2013 9:44 AM EDT
Facebook and Google offered billions for this company which hasn't even been able to figure out how to monetize its product. After using Snapchat, I finally get it.
In this article: GOOG, META
Will The Consumer Rise In 2014?
Article By: Lance Roberts
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 9:14 PM EDT
I have had the distinct pleasure of visiting with Paul La Monica a couple of times during my visits to the "Big Apple" and have always made sure to read his writings. However, he recently penned an article which I feel is worth looking at with a critical eye.
E.B. Capital Markets' Large Cap Report
Article By: E.B. Capital Markets
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:47 PM EDT
The highest scoring names in large cap from 1 year ago returned 788 bps more than the S&P 500. The best performers have been YHOO up 105%, LNKD up 90%, ITT up 89%, CREE up 78%, and PXD up 76%.
In this article: ITT, LNKD, PXD, CREE, YHOO
Global Investing Spotlight: Africa Opportunity Partners Ltd. (AROFF)
Article By: Vivian Lewis
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 2:26 PM EDT
AROFF invests "opportunistically" and can buy in a wide variety of vehicles: real estate, equity, quasi-equity, and debt issued by African companies, governments, or hybrids (quangos). Included are important corrections to my earlier article on AROFF.
In this article: AROFF
317281 to 317296 of 317944 Posts