Certainly energy consumption follows development, and even more certain is that energy availability is needed for development. And just as certain is that all of the newer and more renewable sources of energy cost more and are more complicated. This ha serious implications for the less developed nations and areas that need to have more energy to develop and get past a poverty level. By demanding that they only use the much more expensive forms of energy supply they are being prevented from developing.
What inflation does to me is it reduces the buying ability of my money. That means that I must pay more for everything that I purchase. AND it happens that presently I am NOT one of those folks who can simply and easily increase my income and savings.
Inflation is stealing the value of my savings and my earnings, and it happens that I do not like that one bit.
Transitory inflation means that they did launch it, and it is moving right along, as planned, perhaps, or possibly faster than intended.
Unfortunately, again, but worse this time, many more families are not able to conveniently increase their incomes to compensate for the increases in cost. So damage is being done to the lower 80% of the population, and the feds do not care one bit.
Yes, I also see the covid virus as a military weapon that leaked out sooner than intended.And now the Delta version has been released for purposes that I do not understand, except that evidently the original goal was not reached. So certainly it will be with us for a while.And if somehow a new vaccine is created, well then another virus version would be released. That is how military battles go.
OK, and the giants are doing OK and what about the rest? Oh Well.
Will governments force another lock down, or possibly not? What happens if a whole lot of people die? Just really wondering what would be if a third of the population died off. Aide from the personal loss of families and friends, what would happen to their wealth? Certainly the governments would swoop in to collect a lot of it, I expect. Greed does that. The world survived the 20's and kept on surviving, but of course there was no internet to instantly spread the bad news.
This article is terribly disturbing, because it is so very real.
Now there still is a very serious problem with all crypto currencies, which is the computer part. Not so much that it can be stolen or hacked, but that it can be controlled and inhibited, and that it is horribly dependent on computer hardware. And it is just a matter of time before the administration of the new currency becomes as corrupted as the old currency. Wealth IS power and power always corrupts, and that never changes, not even in mythical Utopia.
The activities of the China government do serve to remind us how much freedom we still have. That is the one good thing that a police state still does for us. We need to remember that, and to also keep in mind that UTOPIA is both a myth and a lie.
"Inflation" should be judged by the damage it does to those damaged by it. Some groups see no damage at all.
Really, inflation mostly hurts only those individuals who are not able to quickly and easily increase their incomes, or increase their savings accounts, to compensate for it. So it is only those groups that are damaged. The rest of the population can benefit from the reduction in purchasing power of their dollars.
If this explanation seems a bit cynical the interpretation is correct.
So the question becomes one of the relative importance of the two different population segments, and which segment one is in.
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Highlights From The BP Statistical Review Of World Energy 2021
Certainly energy consumption follows development, and even more certain is that energy availability is needed for development. And just as certain is that all of the newer and more renewable sources of energy cost more and are more complicated. This ha serious implications for the less developed nations and areas that need to have more energy to develop and get past a poverty level. By demanding that they only use the much more expensive forms of energy supply they are being prevented from developing.
Inflation And Prices
What inflation does to me is it reduces the buying ability of my money. That means that I must pay more for everything that I purchase. AND it happens that presently I am NOT one of those folks who can simply and easily increase my income and savings.
Inflation is stealing the value of my savings and my earnings, and it happens that I do not like that one bit.
Tuesday Talk: Look Mom And Dad, I'm Standing Up In The Roller Coaster!
Quite a thorough analysis and a detailed report.
Market Briefing For Monday, July 26
Probably the wisest choice by far.
And please keep up the good articles.
Market Briefing For Monday, July 26
Transitory inflation means that they did launch it, and it is moving right along, as planned, perhaps, or possibly faster than intended.
Unfortunately, again, but worse this time, many more families are not able to conveniently increase their incomes to compensate for the increases in cost. So damage is being done to the lower 80% of the population, and the feds do not care one bit.
Market Briefing For Monday, July 26
Yes, I also see the covid virus as a military weapon that leaked out sooner than intended.And now the Delta version has been released for purposes that I do not understand, except that evidently the original goal was not reached. So certainly it will be with us for a while.And if somehow a new vaccine is created, well then another virus version would be released. That is how military battles go.
Market Briefing For Monday, July 26
OK, and the giants are doing OK and what about the rest? Oh Well.
Will governments force another lock down, or possibly not? What happens if a whole lot of people die? Just really wondering what would be if a third of the population died off. Aide from the personal loss of families and friends, what would happen to their wealth? Certainly the governments would swoop in to collect a lot of it, I expect. Greed does that. The world survived the 20's and kept on surviving, but of course there was no internet to instantly spread the bad news.
Centralization, Blockchain And Decentralization
This article is terribly disturbing, because it is so very real.
Now there still is a very serious problem with all crypto currencies, which is the computer part. Not so much that it can be stolen or hacked, but that it can be controlled and inhibited, and that it is horribly dependent on computer hardware. And it is just a matter of time before the administration of the new currency becomes as corrupted as the old currency. Wealth IS power and power always corrupts, and that never changes, not even in mythical Utopia.
Chinese Stock Crash
The activities of the China government do serve to remind us how much freedom we still have. That is the one good thing that a police state still does for us. We need to remember that, and to also keep in mind that UTOPIA is both a myth and a lie.
Danger: When A Classical Scholar(/Ideologue) Discusses Inflation
"Inflation" should be judged by the damage it does to those damaged by it. Some groups see no damage at all.
Really, inflation mostly hurts only those individuals who are not able to quickly and easily increase their incomes, or increase their savings accounts, to compensate for it. So it is only those groups that are damaged. The rest of the population can benefit from the reduction in purchasing power of their dollars.
If this explanation seems a bit cynical the interpretation is correct.
So the question becomes one of the relative importance of the two different population segments, and which segment one is in.