A correction back to the 10400-10800 area. That is the early August- mid July support for Nasdaq. There is strong support between 10400 and 10800. If it breaks that support then it will definitely crash to the March 2020 lows.
Great thought provoking article, @[Shelly Palmer](user:4838). But you are wrong because you overlooked one issue...
Yes, you are correct that #Apple and #Google can charge whatever percentage they want, just like a mall can charge rent. But the issue is that the mall can't forbid you to sell those your wares at your own store elsewhere for less.
Sad but true. It amazes me how so many people will believe anything. And the crazier it is, the more likely some of these people are to believe it. When the truth and the science behind it is so much more believable.
Agreed. If true, the media would be reporting it. Even if it was even a likely possibility, they would be reporting it. But no reputable media outlet in the world is. Makes one wonder... where @[Ziad K. Abdelnour](user:18121). Mind you, he may be correct, I certainly wouldn't put it past Hezbollah which is a ruthless terrorist organization. They could very likely be behind this, but without evidence, it's not responsible to report it.
This is sad news, but very likely true. We may never know how many have truly died globally from COVID-19 directly, as well as indirectly from things like not able to seek unrelated medical attention, malnutrition, homelessness, and starvation. TalkMarkets contributor @[Joseph Cox](user:127658) has tried to tackle this issue often in his articles:
While I agree that a vaccine in only a few months is unlikely - the average time it takes to develop a vaccine is 20 years, and the fastest ever was four, that's about all that's right in this article. It pushes ridiculous conspiracy theories and states "facts" that are simply not true.
Latest Comments
Is This Just A Correction… Or The Start Of A Crash?
A correction back to the 10400-10800 area. That is the early August- mid July support for Nasdaq. There is strong support between 10400 and 10800. If it breaks that support then it will definitely crash to the March 2020 lows.
Who Will Be Swimming Naked When The Tide Goes Out?
Good article.
Fortnite Is Gone
Great thought provoking article, @[Shelly Palmer](user:4838). But you are wrong because you overlooked one issue...
Yes, you are correct that #Apple and #Google can charge whatever percentage they want, just like a mall can charge rent. But the issue is that the mall can't forbid you to sell those your wares at your own store elsewhere for less.
The US Virus Problem Is Going From Bad To Worse: But There Is One Bright Ray Of Hope - Testing
Sad but true. It amazes me how so many people will believe anything. And the crazier it is, the more likely some of these people are to believe it. When the truth and the science behind it is so much more believable.
Death, Economics And Coronavirus
According to Russia, the country has developed the world's first Covid-19 vaccine. Putin's own daughter has taken it:
Open Letter To Trump On Lebanon's Latest Tragedy
Agreed. If true, the media would be reporting it. Even if it was even a likely possibility, they would be reporting it. But no reputable media outlet in the world is. Makes one wonder... where @[Ziad K. Abdelnour](user:18121). Mind you, he may be correct, I certainly wouldn't put it past Hezbollah which is a ruthless terrorist organization. They could very likely be behind this, but without evidence, it's not responsible to report it.
What Is The Real Coronavirus Death Toll In The US?
This is sad news, but very likely true. We may never know how many have truly died globally from COVID-19 directly, as well as indirectly from things like not able to seek unrelated medical attention, malnutrition, homelessness, and starvation. TalkMarkets contributor @[Joseph Cox](user:127658) has tried to tackle this issue often in his articles:
Death, Economics And Coronavirus
A well thought out thesis and some constructive recommendations.
COVID-19 Mortality Rates And What It Means
Doesn't make sense unless their talking about per capita. Almost 6,00 people died in Sweden. Almost 160,000 died in the US.
The Truth About The Medical System
While I agree that a vaccine in only a few months is unlikely - the average time it takes to develop a vaccine is 20 years, and the fastest ever was four, that's about all that's right in this article. It pushes ridiculous conspiracy theories and states "facts" that are simply not true.