Evidently I define inflation a bit differently. I see inflation as the price of the things that I NEED TO BUY, such as food and power, rising much faster than the actual value. That is different than rising prices on durable assets. That inflation constitutes a direct attack on my savings and wealth. That is the inflation that the fed is constantly pushing so as to benefit those who are not me, at the expense of those who are in a similar position to mine. That includes most folks who are not actively in the stock market or banking business. I was still in high school when this reality became clear to me, and so it is not like the fed has just come up with something new.
Discovering that a given course of action does not work should not take 60 years, unless one is attempting to train Banyon trees. Thus the only possible conclusion is that the fed has never had the benefit to the majority of the population as any part of it's goals.
The clear and obvious reason that there is not much return on cash and safe assets (#9) is that the FED has moved the interest rate on them to about zero. So while it is true, the explanation is simple and the guilty are obvious. So once again we see that the fed is taking care of its friends. Certainly protection CAN be purchased, at least the kind given here. And the inflation has not taken off just yet because some things take a while. But when lots of fuel is thrown onto a fire, eventually it will start to burn. The cause of inflation is known, the exact time it takes is variable. The dilution of the value of the assets is real, sometimes the damage takes a while to catch up.
What needs to happen is that the truth of who did what will be known and so the anger will be directed at the correct targets.
Every month I read about game-changing discoveries in battery technology. And most months I see nothing at all about those discoveries becoming commercial realities. That is reasonable because of the huge gaps in the space between laboratory and good production yield. So it may be that something has finally made it into production, or it may be that some sunshine has been created for the happiness of investors. It will certainly be an interesting show.
Quite an interesting history lesson here. Perhaps others should try to copy the principles and motivations of this bank. Clearly it makes sense to follow the path of a consistent winner. Am I the only one to see this??
Sometimes it seems that risks taken with other people's money, done in the chase for sort term benefits, are rather devoid of rational thinking, as the disaster of 2008 shows so very clearly. It appears that The Bank Of Hawaii avoided that path. How is it that they are so much smarter??
For over FIFTY YEARS I have asserted that inflation does not really benefit the majority of the population. And during that time my assertion has always been challenged by those who see only the fact that the few are benefited for the short term. Unfortunately it seems that I was more correct. The tragedy is that, similar to much drug addiction, the ultimate result is either death through an overdose or death because of the cumulative toxic effects.
So perhaps there will be some major change other than a major financial collapse,and perhaps, somehow, the banks will not all fail because of folks taking out all of their money. What will the fed do when there is no longer anyone around willing to buy the debt that they sell? And when is it that the fed will learn that they should have been doing something else???
This is an interesting and very educational article, indeed. And evidently the Walgreens management is doing more things "right" than many others.
But I see one thing that is a real puzzle: Claiming a reduction in profits is a loss. Making less profit than somebody had guessed would be made, but still making a quite respectable profit, and claiming that is a loss, is rather strange, and it puts far more validity on somebodies guess that that guess deserves. A reduced net income is not a loss, it is a reduced gain.
My conclusion would be that stock prices will vary along with enthusiasm and distractions that are not at all related to the stocks in consideration.. Notice that almost all of the charts showing share prices are not smooth curves. Why should this group expect to be any different?
Interesting! And of course the stocks prices would be impacted by various parts of the money-spray that didn't happen. And of course the package contained enough different give-aways to offend almost everybody. When will our legislators learn to aim with a laser instead of a fire hose?
And the crazy senator must have personal investments in the funny money business to be advocating the second currency game. Untracable cash flow is exactly what the cyber criminals need, and it will benefit other criminal enterprises as well.
Latest Comments
TalkMarkets Tuesday Talk: FAIT Awaits
Evidently I define inflation a bit differently. I see inflation as the price of the things that I NEED TO BUY, such as food and power, rising much faster than the actual value. That is different than rising prices on durable assets. That inflation constitutes a direct attack on my savings and wealth. That is the inflation that the fed is constantly pushing so as to benefit those who are not me, at the expense of those who are in a similar position to mine. That includes most folks who are not actively in the stock market or banking business. I was still in high school when this reality became clear to me, and so it is not like the fed has just come up with something new.
Discovering that a given course of action does not work should not take 60 years, unless one is attempting to train Banyon trees. Thus the only possible conclusion is that the fed has never had the benefit to the majority of the population as any part of it's goals.
Why Inflation Isn’t Coming
The clear and obvious reason that there is not much return on cash and safe assets (#9) is that the FED has moved the interest rate on them to about zero. So while it is true, the explanation is simple and the guilty are obvious. So once again we see that the fed is taking care of its friends. Certainly protection CAN be purchased, at least the kind given here. And the inflation has not taken off just yet because some things take a while. But when lots of fuel is thrown onto a fire, eventually it will start to burn. The cause of inflation is known, the exact time it takes is variable. The dilution of the value of the assets is real, sometimes the damage takes a while to catch up.
What needs to happen is that the truth of who did what will be known and so the anger will be directed at the correct targets.
What To Expect At Tesla’s Upcoming Battery Day
Every month I read about game-changing discoveries in battery technology. And most months I see nothing at all about those discoveries becoming commercial realities. That is reasonable because of the huge gaps in the space between laboratory and good production yield. So it may be that something has finally made it into production, or it may be that some sunshine has been created for the happiness of investors. It will certainly be an interesting show.
So thanks for the educational article.
Quant Who Correctly Predicted Last Week's Rout Says Selling Isn't Over
Interesting indeed. Why is it that this individual could see so clearly that which so many others did not see nor even suspect????
Spotlight: Bank Of Hawaii
Quite an interesting history lesson here. Perhaps others should try to copy the principles and motivations of this bank. Clearly it makes sense to follow the path of a consistent winner. Am I the only one to see this??
Sometimes it seems that risks taken with other people's money, done in the chase for sort term benefits, are rather devoid of rational thinking, as the disaster of 2008 shows so very clearly. It appears that The Bank Of Hawaii avoided that path. How is it that they are so much smarter??
A Depression For The 21st Century
For over FIFTY YEARS I have asserted that inflation does not really benefit the majority of the population. And during that time my assertion has always been challenged by those who see only the fact that the few are benefited for the short term. Unfortunately it seems that I was more correct. The tragedy is that, similar to much drug addiction, the ultimate result is either death through an overdose or death because of the cumulative toxic effects.
So perhaps there will be some major change other than a major financial collapse,and perhaps, somehow, the banks will not all fail because of folks taking out all of their money. What will the fed do when there is no longer anyone around willing to buy the debt that they sell? And when is it that the fed will learn that they should have been doing something else???
Targets For The Week Of September 14th
This tends to verify the claim that part of the market is driven by emotions rather than reality.
Under The Spotlight: Walgreens Boots Alliance
This is an interesting and very educational article, indeed. And evidently the Walgreens management is doing more things "right" than many others.
But I see one thing that is a real puzzle: Claiming a reduction in profits is a loss. Making less profit than somebody had guessed would be made, but still making a quite respectable profit, and claiming that is a loss, is rather strange, and it puts far more validity on somebodies guess that that guess deserves. A reduced net income is not a loss, it is a reduced gain.
Cannabis Central: Most Stocks In Pure-Play Portfolio Decline On Thursday
My conclusion would be that stock prices will vary along with enthusiasm and distractions that are not at all related to the stocks in consideration.. Notice that almost all of the charts showing share prices are not smooth curves. Why should this group expect to be any different?
Stocks Wobble As US Stimulus Is Voted Down
Interesting! And of course the stocks prices would be impacted by various parts of the money-spray that didn't happen. And of course the package contained enough different give-aways to offend almost everybody. When will our legislators learn to aim with a laser instead of a fire hose?
And the crazy senator must have personal investments in the funny money business to be advocating the second currency game. Untracable cash flow is exactly what the cyber criminals need, and it will benefit other criminal enterprises as well.