Generally, I give the benefit of the doubt to the police. No one can know what it's like to be in their shoes, when they need to make a life and death decision in a blink of an eye. And if they guess wrong, they could be dead. But I have seen this video and it does not look good. Flynn does not seem to be resisting, and if he was prior to when the video started, he was certainly clearly subdued and not a threat at the time of his death. But there may be mitigating circumstances that we are unaware of.
I urge caution until all the facts come out. And riots and more violence is not the answer.
Are companies that rent space from WeWork, but don't have access to them, liable to pay? I would think that WeWork would not be able to charge for space/service they are not provided. Just as Disney froze Annual Passholders since they could not have access to their parks. That's the right thing to do. And if they don't, I would think the company would be subject to a class action lawsuit.
I was just commenting elsewhere in this thread about Sweden. It's an excellent test case for those who say we need to social distance. But the result is that the death rate there is much higher than its neighboring countries.
Mr. DRM, if you arguments are based on incorrect information, they are meaningless. I will address your arguments point by point.
If you watched the CNN video, people in Sweden were asked to social distance and some were (though only "arms length away"). But they are not stuck at home and businesses are open.
You talk about herd immunity, but it's too soon to know if that's possible. The WHO said there is no evidence that herd immunity is possible. And hundreds have become reinfected, which tells us that it will fail in at least some people. Also I'm not sure if you understand how immunity works. It does not last forever, but only for a few months to a about a year in most cases. Yet a vaccine is years away. So how will that work?
It is not too early to know about permanent damage. Hundreds of thousands have recovered and we see that many of those now have permanent scarring of the lung tissue and other long term or permanent ailments. What we don't know is how many will have these problems. The point is that while some may not die, their lives won't be as they were before.
Yes, it is causing blood clots, amputations and strokes in healthy young people in their 20s and 30s. It's still early to know anything meaningful about that - but that's the point. THERE IS TOO MUCH WE DON'T YET KNOW ABOUT CORONAVIRUS. Maybe tomorrow we'll find out everyone with blue eyes will go blind, or kids infected will grow up to be sterile. Who knows? So why just assume it's not a big deal when we are learning new, dangerous aspects every day. You can read more about this latest stroke concern here:
I trust the experts who say it is more contagious. But you say you are a logical person. Doesn't what the doctor below said make total sense to you? People with the flu feel sick so stay home. Most with the coronavirus don't, so they are out and about infecting others. That in itself makes it more contagious.
Don't believe reports that we're close to a vaccine. It would be nice. But they take many many years to develop. There has never been one in 12 to 18 months like Trump has been saying.
As for SARS and MERS, I don't ever recall seeing projections saying deaths would be in the millions. They might have been dangerous, but not this dangerous. That's why we did not shut the world down for them, but are for this.
Joseph, I'm not sure if you are replying to me or not. I don't think I'm jumping the gun - just stating the obvious. Many are saying we should follow Sweden's lead since that's working for them. And while it may be working economically (that is a different discussion all together), it clearly is NOT working to save lives as there are for more dead than in other nearby countries.
I do understand the economic fallout will be devastating due to stay at home orders. It would also be devastating if everyone is too sick, or too dead, to go to work.
But I was not discussing the economic impact. What I find frustrating is that so many people are putting out false information saying that COVID-19 is not particularly dangerous or that other diseases or car accidents are more dangerous. And that's simply not true.
DRM, it's fine to use logic. But not flawed logic. And your logic is flawed. The Good Doctor is 100% right about this. You my friend, are not. You are also wrong about Sweden. Yes, they left it up to people to be responsible for themselves. And many chose to be. But the end result is that Sweden's death rate is significantly higher than all its neighboring countries.
Latest Comments
Brutality, Riots And A Way Forward
Generally, I give the benefit of the doubt to the police. No one can know what it's like to be in their shoes, when they need to make a life and death decision in a blink of an eye. And if they guess wrong, they could be dead. But I have seen this video and it does not look good. Flynn does not seem to be resisting, and if he was prior to when the video started, he was certainly clearly subdued and not a threat at the time of his death. But there may be mitigating circumstances that we are unaware of.
I urge caution until all the facts come out. And riots and more violence is not the answer.
Billionaire Cooperman's 11 Reasons To Be Skeptical Of Soaring Stocks Amid COVID Chaos
Are companies that rent space from WeWork, but don't have access to them, liable to pay? I would think that WeWork would not be able to charge for space/service they are not provided. Just as Disney froze Annual Passholders since they could not have access to their parks. That's the right thing to do. And if they don't, I would think the company would be subject to a class action lawsuit.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
@[DRM](user:130312), with so much conflicting data out there, its good to remember some simple truths:
Coronavirus: The Insanity Is Ending
I was just commenting elsewhere in this thread about Sweden. It's an excellent test case for those who say we need to social distance. But the result is that the death rate there is much higher than its neighboring countries.
The Financial Cohort And COVID-19 Destabilizing
Good read.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Mr. DRM, if you arguments are based on incorrect information, they are meaningless. I will address your arguments point by point.
If you watched the CNN video, people in Sweden were asked to social distance and some were (though only "arms length away"). But they are not stuck at home and businesses are open.
You talk about herd immunity, but it's too soon to know if that's possible. The WHO said there is no evidence that herd immunity is possible. And hundreds have become reinfected, which tells us that it will fail in at least some people. Also I'm not sure if you understand how immunity works. It does not last forever, but only for a few months to a about a year in most cases. Yet a vaccine is years away. So how will that work?
It is not too early to know about permanent damage. Hundreds of thousands have recovered and we see that many of those now have permanent scarring of the lung tissue and other long term or permanent ailments. What we don't know is how many will have these problems. The point is that while some may not die, their lives won't be as they were before.
Yes, it is causing blood clots, amputations and strokes in healthy young people in their 20s and 30s. It's still early to know anything meaningful about that - but that's the point. THERE IS TOO MUCH WE DON'T YET KNOW ABOUT CORONAVIRUS. Maybe tomorrow we'll find out everyone with blue eyes will go blind, or kids infected will grow up to be sterile. Who knows? So why just assume it's not a big deal when we are learning new, dangerous aspects every day. You can read more about this latest stroke concern here:
I trust the experts who say it is more contagious. But you say you are a logical person. Doesn't what the doctor below said make total sense to you? People with the flu feel sick so stay home. Most with the coronavirus don't, so they are out and about infecting others. That in itself makes it more contagious.
Don't believe reports that we're close to a vaccine. It would be nice. But they take many many years to develop. There has never been one in 12 to 18 months like Trump has been saying.
As for SARS and MERS, I don't ever recall seeing projections saying deaths would be in the millions. They might have been dangerous, but not this dangerous. That's why we did not shut the world down for them, but are for this.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Joseph, I'm not sure if you are replying to me or not. I don't think I'm jumping the gun - just stating the obvious. Many are saying we should follow Sweden's lead since that's working for them. And while it may be working economically (that is a different discussion all together), it clearly is NOT working to save lives as there are for more dead than in other nearby countries.
I do understand the economic fallout will be devastating due to stay at home orders. It would also be devastating if everyone is too sick, or too dead, to go to work.
But I was not discussing the economic impact. What I find frustrating is that so many people are putting out false information saying that COVID-19 is not particularly dangerous or that other diseases or car accidents are more dangerous. And that's simply not true.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
DRM, it's fine to use logic. But not flawed logic. And your logic is flawed. The Good Doctor is 100% right about this. You my friend, are not. You are also wrong about Sweden. Yes, they left it up to people to be responsible for themselves. And many chose to be. But the end result is that Sweden's death rate is significantly higher than all its neighboring countries.
Post-COVID America
Never heard of the term #Omnibubble. Should I have?
Markets Down - Where To Invest Now
You are lucky to have bought $CEMI so early. Since I bought it, it's been down. Any idea why it has dropped so much from its recent high?