Bruce Powers - Comments

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EUR/USD Weekly Forecast April 27– May 1
4 years ago

I think half of America believes every word the man says. He says thing like, the virus is contained, it will disappear, the light is at the end of tunnel, drink poison and it will cure you, etc., and people cheer and the stock market jumps. But it's all a complete lie.

In this article: FXE, UUP
EUR/USD Weekly Forecast April 27– May 1
4 years ago

I suspect the dollar will crash as a result of how poorly Trump has been handling the pandemic.

In this article: FXE, UUP
My Concerns About The Coronavirus
4 years ago

While I get why things like the travel industry will take a long time to recover (cruises in particular), I don't understand what all the hubbub about the restaurants are. All my favorite restaurants are offering seating, but they still offer delivery. I've been ordering from restaurants even more now than I did before.

Uber, Lyft Revenues Drop By Staggering 50% Due To Coronavirus Outbreak
4 years ago

Considering that many companies are now at 0%, this is actually surprisingly good news for $UBER and $LYFT. Plus that 50% decrease does not include the additional 50% increase in Uber’s food delivery segment.

In this article: LYFT, UBER
The Canadian Cannabis Report - A Preview Of A Coming Attraction
5 years ago

"Fake news?" That's a serious accusation @[Angry Old Lady](user:7657), can you back that up with a link? Seeking Alpha maybe a competitor but they are also a partner of TalkMarkets and many of the contributors here, and users, frequent both sites.

In this article: CGC, CRON, TLRY, HEXO
I'm A Coronavirus Heretic. Here's Why...
5 years ago

Yes Ms. Hiker, it is heartless, but it may be necessary. Someone else here shared that Italy is considering banning health care to anyone over 80 and leaving them to die:

No Matter Who Wins, We All Lose
5 years ago

But do you disagree that #Trump has kept most of his promises to do what he said he'd do?

FOMC Decision Preview - Wednesday, January 29
5 years ago

Why don't you think the #coronavirus is having more of a negative impact? Sounds like the number of those infected are increasing at an alarming rate, and just surpassed SARS.

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