Why are you so sure $NTDOY will drop? The battle between Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony rages on, but it's impossible to know with each new console generation, who will come out on top. Nintendo did great with the Wii and the Switch. But bombed with the Wii U. The could fall short again or have a major winner.
Thanks for the response. I'm not against helping the environment. On the contrary, I'm happy to, as long as it doesn't cost me more. Regardless, your business model is intriguing. I tried to invest but it seems the campaign is already over.
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Betterware: Better Where It Counts
Good read, thanks.
Vaccines And Their Impact
Well that doesn't sound particularly helpful. Are infections down? They can't link that to the high number of vaccinations?
Vaccines And Their Impact
So do the vaccines really work? Is one better than the other?
Alphabet Max Move Level Revealed
The upside is definitely ending.
Zoom: Victim Of The Cure
Where's your previous post on $ZM?
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Thanks for the info, Norman.
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Foggy Tuesday
Why are you so sure $NTDOY will drop? The battle between Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony rages on, but it's impossible to know with each new console generation, who will come out on top. Nintendo did great with the Wii and the Switch. But bombed with the Wii U. The could fall short again or have a major winner.
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Thanks for the response. I'm not against helping the environment. On the contrary, I'm happy to, as long as it doesn't cost me more. Regardless, your business model is intriguing. I tried to invest but it seems the campaign is already over.