Lorimer Wilson | TalkMarkets | Page 163
Editor of munKNEE.com (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds)
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Lorimer is one of TalkMarkets' most prolific contributors with +2600 articles, +7400 followers and +21 million equity points to date. He focuses on the AI and semiconductor sectors and cannabis and psychedelic compound-based clinical stage stocks. Sign up to follow his latest articles and have your ...more

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Hauser's Law & The Federal Budget Deficit
Politicians who fail to understand Hauser's Law will call for a fix in the form of higher tax rates but the correct fix would be to reduce tax rates, simplify the tax code, and reform entitlement programs in order to keep spending under control.
Collapse Of M&A Bubble Bloodies Hedge Funds
After years of a giddy boom in mergers and acquisitions with ever sillier valuations the M&A bubble is now collapsing (down 21% from a year ago) and many hedge funds that were into merger arbitrage have got caught on the wrong side of the bet.
Portfolio Equity Allocations Have Increased For These 7 Reasons
The average investor equity allocation is now back to where it was around the 2007 market peak. This has some people worried that things are getting frothy once again. Maybe they are, but here are 7 legitimate reasons for the increase.
Could Slow Start To IPOs In 2016 Be Beginning To Thaw?
The 1st Q marked the slowest start to IPOs since the last recession. Could the fact that companies outside of biotech are now eyeing or marching through the IPO door be a sign of a slow thaw?
The High-Dollar Art Market Is Collapsing!
It is suddenly getting tough for investors in the high-dollar art auction market. When the market gets shaky many figure they might want to wait for better times rather than unload their art and further depress an already contracting market,
Which Is Better For U.S. Equities - A Stronger U.S. Dollar Or A Weaker One?
This article presents two charts that support the conclusion that, In the vast majority of longer-term periods, history has shown that a stronger dollar has been better for U.S. equities than a weaker one.
Hocus-Pocus: Reported S&P 500 Revenue Growth Just A Mirage
Hundreds of acquisitions over the past years have inflated S&P 500 revenue growth and earnings growth without a single extra thing having been sold. The net effect on the economy was zero. The net effect on investors was that they were duped.
Start Stacking Silver
Silver production from mines will likely not rise significantly in 2016 so supply will be subdued going forward. Demand, however, will keep going up. This can only mean higher prices.
The Future Of The Hedge Fund Industry
Given what you read these days, it would seem that the hedge fund industry is in a state of flux. In some ways it is, but people are also jumping to conclusions.
What’s Behind The Rallies In Gold & Gold Mining Stocks - And Can They Continue?
Gold & gold mining stocks have been some of the best performers this year. What’s behind their rallies and can they continue?
Canadian Equities: The Beginning Of A Long-Term Trend Or A Brief Flash In The Pan?
Since the beginning of the year, Canadian equities have been on a (relative) tear, outpacing most developed and emerging market equities in Canadian dollar terms. Is this year’s success the beginning of a long-term trend or a brief flash in the pan?
The Decline Of The USD & Rise Of An IMF-SDR Basket Of Currencies
As the U.S. dollar becomes more and more unglued, the IMF-SDR basket of currencies will become increasingly important.
Investment Consultants Should Shake Off The Status Quo & Add Value To Their Financial Advice - Here's How
Institutional capital relies on consultants for advice on which funds to invest in but research shows that as a group they add NO value through their selection of investment managers. They chase past performance & make too many unnecessary changes
Financial Armageddon Approaches: 6 Major U.S. Banks Are Betting 24 TIMES MORE MONEY THAN THEY HAVE Via Derivatives
The legendary Lehman Brothers financial dynasty is dead & buried in Wall Street’s cemetery. However, Germany’s giant financial power house, Deutsche Bank, is today vying to duplicate the infamous legacy of the tragic Lehman Brothers saga.
Sinking U.S. Manufacturing A "Prelude To Recession"?
The decline of U.S. manufacturing is a sight to behold. When manufacturing sinks into this sort of quagmire it spreads gradually through the rest of the economy and becomes, as the Dallas Fed had put it, a “prelude to recession”...
Do Lower Returns Over Next 30 Years Spell Doom For Millennials?
A study by McKinsey suggests that one can expect lower market returns over the next 30 years than we’ve experienced over the past 30. Does that automatically spell doom for Millennials who are investing their money? Not necessarily. Here's why.
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