Carol W - Comments
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Mario Draghi Reveals Biggest. Hockeystick. Ever
10 years ago

yeah sucks to Saudi Arabia these days..

Mario Draghi Reveals Biggest. Hockeystick. Ever
10 years ago

oh darn you really meant a I thought it was code for..oh never mind..meh

Is The Uber Ecosystem Sustainable?
10 years ago
That's bullcrap... taxi drivers are joining Uber like crazy... it's more porfitable for them... fewer fees and expenses and legalese. Check your data. They can't wait even here in as yet un Uber-ed Nashville. A dorky very untaxi city. Don't know who these lobbyists or transport companies are of which you speak. Washington DC loves Uber. They all use it.
In this article: GOOG, FDX, AMZN, GRUB
Is The Uber Ecosystem Sustainable?
10 years ago
Listening to the CEO, he thrives on the battle, so yeah, I say bring it on. Uber will prevail.
In this article: GOOG, FDX, AMZN, GRUB
Here Is The Reason Why Stocks Just Had Their Best Month Since October 2011
10 years ago
More wry observations from "the self proclaimed smartest guy in the room"...btw have you ever seen a healthy market? what is your ultimate goal? are you invested? I am curious... how do you make your money? are you wealthy? do you daytrade? who are you? surely your'e not making millions posting on talkmarkets. or your website. hell, for all I know you are ten people!
In this article: AAPL, HLF, IBM, SPY
Don’t Kid Yourself: Stocks Are Just As Overvalued Today As They Were In 2000
10 years ago
Is DIS overvalued? maybe so but it continues up -why? demand and flight to safety by big money trumping valuation? If so valuation is relative to the "story"- if I stay away from DIS because its overvalued, who am I hurting? Like overbought, overvalued can stay overvalued for a long time. DIS increased the fee to their parks..nobody is complaining. I wish it would pull back but sofar, nobody wants to sell this thing, and the slightest dip see buyers galore. So much for valuation. SUpply and demand rule the day. cheers
In this article: FOCPX, SPX, NDX
Crude And Tattooed: Why I'm Happily Short Energy
10 years ago

don't you think they massage the supply and demand numbers? the inventory numbers?

In this article: DBO, USO, CRUD
Crude And Tattooed: Why I'm Happily Short Energy
10 years ago

you are crazy..the energy sector is one of the MOST manipulated sectors in the market.

In this article: DBO, USO, CRUD
Housing Sentiment Turning?
10 years ago

when you dig deeper you see a lot of the new home construction is in the 55 plus adult communities- yeah it's the boomers again!

In this article: XHB
Do You Own The Wrong Kind Of High-Yield Dividend Stock?
10 years ago

greedy bastards!

In this article: NMM, NM
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