Carol W - Comments
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January Jitters Jolt Stocks - S&P Loses Key 2,000 Level; Bonds' Best Month Since June 2010
10 years ago

heaven forbid you showed the biotech sector or restaurants, or AAPL! slightly one sided view sir.

In this article: TLT, SHAK, XLF, GLD, SLV, FXF, SPX
Correction Or Crash? Our Verdict On Tesla
10 years ago

why wrack your brain looking for THE REASONS why..the market talks thru price and volume. forget the's just a soap opera starring Elon. Relax. TSLA will

In this article: TSLA
Consider Taking Some Of Your Paycheck To Buy Paychex (PAYX)
10 years ago

Any chance this one sells off if the repubs start to eviscerate Obama care?

In this article: PAYX
Consider Taking Some Of Your Paycheck To Buy Paychex (PAYX)
10 years ago

thanks for giving us the support numbers,,I am long- might add on a dip..this market affords ample opps in that way. any idea when ER is?

"longer the base the higher the space"..amen! love long bases, and high tight flags..cheers Carol

In this article: PAYX
How To Build A "Lifetime" Portfolio - Step 1
10 years ago

Like anything else, look for opportunities the market doesn't see yet, pay attention to trends, interest rates, the Fed, liquidity, regulations, regional opportunities (ie Noth Dakota and Texas and the fracking slowdown effect of real estate)

In this article: VNQ, BND, IWB
How To Build A "Lifetime" Portfolio - Step 1
10 years ago

thank you!

In this article: VNQ, BND, IWB
How To Build A "Lifetime" Portfolio - Step 1
10 years ago

you rebalance YOY so it's really a yearly not a lifetime MPT model.-where are REITS weighted for a 2015 porfolio? are you going to show us the 2015 model?

In this article: VNQ, BND, IWB
Brick-And-Mortar Retailers Must Reinvent Themselves To Survive The Shift To Online Shopping
10 years ago

$AMZN cmon..NYC? it's just BEZOS ego flexing.He wants to be on the busiest corner on the planet..34th and fifth.EMPIRE SB no less! Just using the store as a billboard to push AMZN presence. thought it was a pickup center vs real retail like BBY.

Don't talk to me about Woolworths..I LIVED there as a

In this article: AMZN, JCPNQ, JWN, AAPL
January Stock Considerations
10 years ago

specifially re KRFT GIS what price are you buying them and what is their current yield. what did you enter TD BNS and RY at? what are their yields right now? interesting ideas..GL

In this article: EMR, KRFT, GIS, JNJ, TD, BNS, RY, UL, UTX
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