Carol W - Comments
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4 Hot Semiconductors For Your Portfolio
9 years ago

very nice info thanks..

In this article: MXL, SOXX, INTC, MCHP, NXPI, QCOM, SLAB
The Empty Burrito
9 years ago

what;s your point - did you eat there? where's the rest of the article? didn't need the visuals. thanks

In this article: CMG
Cat Herders In The Oil Patch - Financial Review
9 years ago

great article as usual!

In this article: CAT, F, FCX, HOG, MCO, SSNLF, AMZN, MSFT, AAL
7 Factors To Consider When Stock Picking
9 years ago

thanks - good article- I am long MSFT- btw

Buy These Four Undervalued, Crash-Proof Stocks
9 years ago

you like GM over F?

In this article: GM, JPM, M, QCOM
2008 Has Already Happened In The Energy Sector
9 years ago

where access to Cude easy so it is thru US not Europe that is it readily available the more we put in inventory longer time frame for recovery.

In this article: XLE
2008 Has Already Happened In The Energy Sector
9 years ago

Crude market is hostage to China and their currency...not supply or demand. The physical market is not an issue- 150 million barrles here in USA whehre access is easy access to CRude is thru US not Europe the more we put in inventory longer time frame for recovery.

In this article: XLE
Will China’s Breakdown Cause A Global Bear Market?
9 years ago

spot on as usual Brett- I am a fan.: may I ask around what price is your ABBV bid in on? I am long GM F ABBV AMGN cheers Carol

In this article: F, GM, AAPL, AMGN, ABBV
ISM A Leading Indicator Of Jobs? Why 2016 Will Shock To The Downside
9 years ago

you made your point! production main driver? good one. How can Fed even ENTERTAIN a rate change

Uptrends Emerging In Solar
9 years ago

too bad theyr'e Chinese. muddies the waters due to the macro picture there. dicey to be sure

In this article: JKS, FSLR, JASO, SPWR, HQCL
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