Seth Golden - Comments
Chief Market Strategist
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After 20 years in the retail and consumer goods sector, I became a research analyst and market strategist for Capital Ladder Advisory Group. Since 2011, I have published some 400+ articles surrounding mainstream retailers like Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, Costco and more. I've covered ...more
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VIX-Leveraged ETPs And The 5% Contango Rule
7 years ago

Thank you! This article offers my positioning when $UVXY or $VXX spike, usually during negative contango.

In this article: VIX
Macro-Concerns Dominate The Trading Week As Volatility Takes Center Stage
7 years ago

Your sentiment is a shared one and we'll put. Thank you for reading and the comment!

In this article: UVXY, VXX
Macro-Concerns Dominate The Trading Week As Volatility Takes Center Stage
7 years ago

Your opinion is appreciated. Thank you!

In this article: UVXY, VXX
UVXY: Market Uncertainty And Telling The Untold Future
7 years ago

Thank you for reading and your comment. I'm glad to see you are accommodating for necessary liquidity and achieving strong results.

Should Target Be A "Buy" With That Beautiful 4.2% Dividend?
7 years ago

enjoyed the video, perspective

In this video: TGT
VIX Trading: Even The Pros Get It Wrong
8 years ago

Thank you for your comment. No it did not go up about "....." any percent. There is no viable back-testing for 2008 or any other event. This is a common misnomer perpetrated through the forbearance of fear. Just as many expected these instruments to perform extremely poorly during the 3% decline on Brexit and the following day's 1.5% decline, that did not come to fruition. The fact is that the first day on how the VIX trades on such a VIX-EVENT will determine how these instruments perform the following day. There is no back testing for the unknown, just simulations from a constant base and the VIX has no constant base.

In this article: UVXY, VIX
Retail Sector Unwinds Under The Pressure Of Lesser Sales And Border Tax Adjustment Fears
8 years ago

It's a good point certainly, but also when you look at the consumption breakdown, the allocation is and has been greatly skewed toward healthcare as well. So we are growing GDP, but where consumption is taking place is frightful indeed as it largely doesn't benefit retail any degree of significance.

In this article: TMTMT, TGT, JCPNQ, M, AMZN, BBBY, WMT
My Plans For Success In 2017 Continue To Involve VIX-Leveraged ETFs/ETNs
8 years ago

I use two trading platforms whereby in the case that one has low inventory the other has available. But in general and as I have written into many publications, Scottrade has the most inventory to borrow short. Also, maintaining a core short position for extended period of time incentivized broker/dealer to maintain shares to borrow. So if shares are hard to borrow for a trader it is generally the platform being used or the way one manages a short position.

In this article: UVXY, TVIX, VIX
My Plans For Success In 2017 Continue To Involve VIX-Leveraged ETFs/ETNs
8 years ago

Thank you for reading and I hope traders use these instruments to their advantage.

In this article: UVXY, TVIX, VIX
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