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Depositor Discipline Of Risk-Taking By U.S. Banks
Article By: Global Economic Intersection
Monday, April 14, 2014 1:58 PM EDT
The recent financial crisis caused the largest rise in the number of bank failures since the unprecedented banking crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s. This post examines how depositors responded to the amplified risks of bank failure over the last three decades.
Yield Spreads Today
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Monday, April 14, 2014 1:55 PM EDT
Yield spreads are flattening today, with both the 10 and the 2 up but the 2 up more. Today’s implication (again, let’s not take any single day outside of its bounds) is a lurch to risk ‘ON’ as money comes out of short-term T bonds faster than long term T bonds.
US Pays Half Of Gazprom's Overdue Invoice With $1 Billion Ukraine Loan Guarantee
Article By: Tyler Durden
Monday, April 14, 2014 1:49 PM EDT
With Ukraine no longer paying for Russian gaz, and with Gazprom making it clear Kiev has to a) first pay the overdue $2+ billion in invoice and then b) prepay some $5 billion in gas until the end of the year of Europe gets it, it was only a matter of time before the US Treasury stepped in and paid off part or all of Gazprom's demands.
In this article: OGZPY
ALEC: Destroying The American Economy, One State At A Time
Article By: Angry Bear
Monday, April 14, 2014 1:40 PM EDT
The American Legislative Exchange Council — which authors ultra-conservative legislation and promulgates it to state legislatures nationwide — has a little index measure of states’ “competitiveness,” which supposedly results in greater prosperity for those states that rank highly.
Nigeria Planning Country’s First Nuclear Power Plant
Article By: OilPrice
Monday, April 14, 2014 1:23 PM EDT
Nigeria is the largest oil producer in Africa and is currently the world’s 12th largest oil producer, pumping 2.25 million barrels per day. Nigeria in 2012 was also the world's fourth leading exporter of LNG.
Market Commentary: Small Cap Up 1%, DOW Up Triple Digits, Markets Look Frail
Article By: Global Economic Intersection
Monday, April 14, 2014 1:12 PM EDT
As suspected the averages turned around from the morning lows and started melting back upwards, but not so high as to make us rush out and buy with abandon. The red flags of caution still wave briskly in the market winds.
In this article: GLD, SPY, VIX
The Greek Bond Sale Stunt
Article By: Acting Man
Monday, April 14, 2014 12:59 PM EDT
Last week the Greek government celebrated its return to the bond market, selling 3 billion euros in five-year bonds at a yield of 4.95 percent. Reportedly there was great demand for the issue, which should be no surprise given the current propensity of investors to buy all sorts of junk debt as long as it yields more than just a smidgen.
Forecasting GDP: A Look Аt Тhe WSJ Economists' Collective Crystal Ball
Article By: Doug Short
Monday, April 14, 2014 12:44 PM EDT
One of the big economic numbers this month will be the Q1 Advance Estimate for GDP, due out on April 30th. With this morning's first glimpse of March Retail Sales now in hand, let's take a look at Q1 GDP forecasts from the latest Wall street Journal survey of economists conducted earlier this month.
Central Fund Of Canada NAV -6.4%
Article By: Gary Tanashian
Monday, April 14, 2014 12:27 PM EDT
CEF’s net asset value does not imply that the bugz are over bullish. Quite the contrary. It is selling at a decent discount to net assets and could be viewed as a long term value for those who don’t think that precious metals have gone the way of the Dodo Bird.
In this article: CEF, GLD, SLV
February 2014 Business Inventories And Sales Mixed
Article By: Steven Hansen
Monday, April 14, 2014 12:14 PM EDT
Econintersect‘s analysis of final business sales data (retail plus wholesale plus manufacturing) for February 2014 shows sales declined with inventory levels up with inventory levels remaining on the high side of a normal range for periods of expansion.
Commodity-Backed Currencies? China Buys Huge Copper Mine; Russia Onshores Largest Gold Miner
Article By: Tyler Durden
Monday, April 14, 2014 12:00 PM EDT
The last few days have seen Western anti-Russian rhetoric and red lines escalate dramatically as the military and economic issues come to light in any push back against Putin's pressure.
In this article: GLEN.L, PLZLY
Market Commentary: Markets Open Up, Unable To Hold Morning Highs Melting Slowly Downward
Article By: Global Economic Intersection
Monday, April 14, 2014 11:48 AM EDT
Premarkets were up +0.20% after US Advanced Retail Sales beat expectations by 0.20%. Across the board the US financial reporting was better than expected.
In this article: GLD, SPY, VIX
The Coming Week: Start Of A Bigger Correction? Evidence & Real Danger Signals
Article By: Cliff Wachtel
Monday, April 14, 2014 11:34 AM EDT
First, remember that until proven otherwise, last week’s selloff remains only that – a minor, short term dip. Our entire sample US and European indexes remain within their long term uptrends, albeit with further weakening momentum that is now mostly neutral, neither bullish nor bearish, and which suggests more range trading ahead.
In this article: AXP, BAC, C, GE, JNJ, KO, PNC, GOOG, INTC, AAL
Medicare Degeneration
Article By: Vivian Lewis
Monday, April 14, 2014 11:18 AM EDT
This is an article you will not be able to read in the New York Times. Chinese officials are meeting with government reps to negotiate on funding to build a second Mexican telecom networks costing ~$750 mn
Eastern Europe Has Nothing On Asian Energy Markets
Article By: OilPrice
Monday, April 14, 2014 11:02 AM EDT
Economic development in the Eurozone is gaining ground, though any recovery there will be tepid. With North America relying less on foreign imports, energy investors should be following shifting demand dynamics to Asian economies.
In this article: OGZPY
March Advance Retail Sales Beat Expectations
Article By: Doug Short
Monday, April 14, 2014 10:49 AM EDT
The Advance Retail Sales Report released this morning shows that sales in March rose 1.1% month-over-month, up from 0.7% in February, which was upwardly revised from 0.3%. Core Retail Sales (ex Autos) was up 0.7% in March following an unrevised 0.3% in February.
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