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5 Best-Performing Stocks Of The Top ETF Of March
3 years ago

Thanks for the educational article, it is useful.

I did not realize that Lowe's was doing so well. Near me are both a Lowe's and Home Depot, adjacent parking lots, common entrance close. The Home Depot lot is usually crowded, while the lot at Lowe's has a wide choice of spot available, and the aisles are seldom crowded. Thus I would have guessed that Lowe's was struggling, evidently not.

The puzzle is in the rise of the prices of building materials, given that whatever has changed is not obvious. Or is it that all of the suppliers decided to raise prices to increase profits, just because they could?

In this article: HD, LEN, UFPI, LGIH, LOW
Tesla Reports Q1 Deliveries Of 184,800, Production Of 180,338
3 years ago

Delivery of product is one thing, profit from each unit sold is quite a different thing. And the overall net gain of resources is still another.

In this article: TSLA
A Look At Bitcoin Fungibility And Why It’s So Important
3 years ago

Since I have been the target of two extortion attempts tha demanded payment in Bitcoin, I find myself rather opposed to the ability to hide transactions. In fact, it seems that the primary goal would be to facilitate criminal financial activity. It may be that there are a few legitimate reasons for keeping the source of money hidden, but mostly it appears that it is for criminal purposes. Drug trafficers could avoid needing to smuggle large amounts of cash across borders by the use of Bitcoin, and that would save them from the risk of the payments being intercepted. And certainly having the previous ownership of funds hidden would make prosecution for extortion and blackmail more challenging.

So why aid and abet the criminal enterprises???

In this article: BITCOMP
Ford Warns Of Continued Production Halts Through Mid-April As Chip Shortage Worsens
3 years ago

This is what can happen when somebody guesses wrong about the demand six months in the future. And these are not commodity parts in short supply. The missing parts are highly advanced custom parts produced by only one company. That is the inherent flaw in using such advanced parts in automotive computers.

Broadcom Vs. Qualcomm: Which 5G Stock Is A Better Buy?
3 years ago

An important thing to understand about those VERY ADVANCED chips is that theyare single-ourced, meaning that they are available from one maker only. So if there is a production issue the availability shrinks rapidly. THAT is why the shortage is hurting the auto companies. The chip manufacturers lowed production based on all of the plant closings due to the virus. And re-starting production is a major effort that can not be hurried or pushed.

In this article: AVGO, QCOM
Psychedelic Drug Stocks Index Up 9.9% During Shortened Week
3 years ago

I would expect that this area will be volatile moot of the time. So that should not be a surprise or a cause for panic-types of actions.

Embryos Of Globanomics And Some Of Its Principals
3 years ago

At one point I was getting paid for the things that I wrote. Not sure just what happened but eventually it stopped.

The best compensation for writing was when I was creating sales letters for proposals for custom industrial machines. The challenge was always to describe what the machine would do fora customer and some of how it would do that, without including enough information so that competitors could copy our concepts. That was a problem with one client, because a "Mister Lopez" would combine the cheapest bid with the best concepts and demand a revised price quote. A rather disreputable way of doing business, actually.

I don't think that he works for that company any more.

Embryos Of Globanomics And Some Of Its Principals
3 years ago

J.B. You do have a "niche" audience that unfortunately does not include all of those addicted to increasing their wealth constantly. That is, those seriously infected by greed. Others will find, at least this article, the writings to be at least thought provoking.

The whole concept of micro-economics is interesting. If I understand it to be my personal economics, my practice is to always need less than I have, and to thus not constantly desire to have more. So when that "more" somehow arrives I can consider it a gift and be thankful, instead of complaining that it is not enough.

This then divides folks into two major realms, the rich, who have more than they need, and the poor, who have less than they need. (Of course, there is a wide spread in each realm.) There is also a small middle class, who seem to feel that they have just what they need.

Venezuela Replaces National Currency With Bitcoin
3 years ago

Very interesting. Of course, with a few changes Bitcoin could become a readily traceable currency, allowing the government to watch exactly what is spent and where it is pent. Privacy might become an obsolete concept. How would THAT play???

Nio Stock Price Prediction For 2025
3 years ago

Presented like a great CEO!! Certainly this article contains the stuff that a shareholders meeting crowd would love to hear.

But now consider the new bombshell from the EPA, wanting to have no more battery EV in the fairly near future, and that is going to be a really interesting, and probably exciting, discussion.

One more thing, Elon Musk is NOT CHINESE, and no way can he become Chinese. So he will always bean outsider. So Tesla may do very well in the rest of the world, but the government of China will probably never be his friend.

In this article: NIO
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