William K. - Comments

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New New Deal Worries
3 years ago

My take is that the tax hikes will not happen as promised, because that would tax those who have money that talks, and gets it's way. Amazing how that works these days. "Money Talks, Us Others Walks." That is just how it goes.

Which Reflation Are You?
3 years ago

"Reflation"??? Does that mean re-inflation after some DE-flation? Or is it renewed inflation, the goal of the federal reserve bank for most of the past 100years. Or is it another piece of jargon destined to keep some of us in the dark? Double-talk can certainly be confusing.

Sometimes beating that dead horse produces tender horse steaks, other times just pureed horse.

The big problem now is that the fed either has no clue or is very evil, or possibly both. And added to that our new LIBERAL president who does not understand about spending and debt being closely related. And that additional mountain of inflationary spending will lead to debt that will certainly be a HUGE burden on the backs of somebody in the future, possibly those not even born yet. Has he ever heard about a crushing debt load???

Good Times For Gold
3 years ago

Always informing me, always interesting, often providing serious education.

The People's Currency
3 years ago

One effective incentive for politico's to reduce monetary inflation could be to avoid public wrath and possible execution, although that is not my recommendation. Impeachment from office and eternal banning from all financial business should be adequate.

For the current situation in the US, an investigation of using position to benefit "friends" to the detriment of all others might be sufficient. Certainly fiduciary duties are being ignored, which is a rather nasty activity.

Market Briefing For Tuesday, May 25
3 years ago

Certainly shutting the border would have stranded a few INFECTED carriers outside some place. And certainly it would have had some economic impact. BUT it would probably have been far less than what we can see has happened instead. Putting out a small fire is always easier than waiting until the whole city has burned.

Market Briefing For Tuesday, May 25
3 years ago

The markets will continue to do what greed and fear push them to do and the result will continue to be those jaggedy graphs wandering up and down.

And certainly the virus had a bit of help in developing, and probably it was fairly accidental that it got out at that time, not part of the plan.

My solution would be an airtight border closing right away. If all of the fools in various positions in various countries had acted as they should have, probably most of the deaths could have been prevented. But stupidity prevailed and so did the spreading among all. And it does not appear that stupidity can be "fixed."

The People's Currency
3 years ago

It is an interesting concept, except that it seems to reward mediocrity. Between my extensive skill set and my serious work ethic I routinely deliver far more value per unit of time than most other folks. Those folks who are members of extortion gangs (AKA Unions) might get more cash for delivering less value, that is how extortion works.

But in this description I saw no means of adjusting income to match the value of service delivered. If that is actually the case the the whole idea is complete foolishness. And I do not understand how the scheme would "protect the value of my earnings." It looks a bit like those in power would rapidly become far wealthierthan those not in power, and that is intrinsicly wrong.

Tuesday Talk: On The Way Up - Again
3 years ago

Interesting indeed, and I also am wondering as to when the housing bubble will burst. I see no way that my house is worth 11 times what I paid for it.

Tuesday Talk: Slip Sliding Sideways
3 years ago

My point was that the records show that in the past, every time money was dumped into the economy, inflation resulted. So why should this time be any different?? There does not seem to be any change in the mechanism of inflation, and so it seems that the results of the action will be the same, although the time delay might be different.

My other concern is about the effect of all that debt on the future. The bad thing about debts is that they must eventually be paid off. ( I keep saying this, I believe it is true.)

Bank Run, Or Run From The Banks?
3 years ago

Transitory Inflation? More like permanent intentional inflation to save their banker friends. Bitcoin better than gold??? That is the biggest lie ever told, I think. Bitcoin price is as unstable as it's claimed actual value, which does not exist, except in the minds of the holders.

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