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Here Are 3 Glaring Consequences Of The $6 Trillion Budget Biden Just Proposed
3 years ago

Galloping inflation coupled with slower economic growth AND lower paychecks is a sure recipe for making a lot of people both hungry and unhappy. That much should be obvious to almost everyone. So unles the republicans do something incredibly stupid, Mister Biden will be a one-term president. Unless the republicans try to run mister Trump again. (See previous sentence.)

The present "helicopter distribution" of relief funds is an indication of the wisdom behind what is going on.

Perhaps the USA has run it's course, and now China will be the top world power. Clearly they are already the winners in germ warfare development. Not my idea of a good development.

Natural Gas Fundamentals Are Coming Into Play
3 years ago

Keep in mind that speculators do not care one bit about anything except their profit. Not about how many suffer or how many bleed and die. NOTHING matters to the speculator except their profit. This explains the attitude and actions of speculators.

In this article: FCG, UNG, XOP
Bitcoin: Why The Cryptocurrency Crashed
3 years ago

Interesting indeed. I do not like bitcoin, I have never liked bitcoin. An effort to displace the universally accepted currency is an effort to destroy it eventually. That should never be in the hands of those responsible only to shareholders, an intrinsic flaw in a public commodity such as currency. That reality should be obvious to all who can see it.

In this article: BITCOMP
Ranked: The World’s 25 Richest Millennial Billionaires
3 years ago

All of them together make up far less than the "One Percent" group. And while I can certainly think up many beneficial projects to do with one million, what in the world could I do with one Billion?

Staff Is In Short Supply In American Industries - It's A One-Trillion-Dollar Crisis
3 years ago

Quite a directly to the point article indeed!

The real problem is that a culture of laziness and a belief in entitlement has developed, with the result that way too many believe that they are entitled to a good living only by virtue of being alive. It is not that they do not want to work in factories, it is that they do not want to work at all. The psychologist's efforts to boost self-respect have run away and lead to the belief that all are entitled to whatever they want. Along with that is the lack of ability to focus attention on anything for any amount of time. That got a serious boost as MTV intentionally worked to "Free people from having their attention captured" by anything, for any length of time. What perfect preparation for making people slaves, since they could not be able to focus their thoughts long enough to realize that they were not free. Slaves not even realizing that they were slaves, much less likely to rebel.

Market Briefing For Thursday, May 27
3 years ago

Exactly So!!! Just like the atomic bomb would not have been "Invented" accidentally during research for atomic power.

It is so very offensive for any level of government people to lie to us to avoid getting folks upset.

It seems that they believe that we are all stupid and only they are at all smart. Orwell was right!!

Some G20 Economies Are Experiencing High Inflation And Unemployment
3 years ago

Economic growth and inflation ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!!!! Reasonable and sustainable economic growth is fairly beneficial, while inflation is that cancer that steals the purchasing power of people's assets and savings, and incomes. For the vat majority of people, inflation does not raise their income to counter the inflation. That is only somewhat true for the rich and the very rich folks. Those with incomes that do not automaticly adjust for inflation,( the bottom 75% simply suffer.

Don’t Expect The World Economy To Resume Its Growth Pattern After Covid-19
3 years ago

The resources of minerals still exist, but they are in different locations, and the effort torecover them is different. The lithium still exits, but now it is dispersed into landfills because of stupidity. The copper till exists but now it is in scrap heaps and junkyards, as well as in landfills. The problem is, and always has been, poor to non-existing reclamation efforts. The solution is obvious, and that is recycling, which mostly has not been done. Coal may be a bigger challenge, the shortage will be in the realm of cheap coal that is easy to mine. The oil shortage of the seventies was not a shortage of all oil, it was a shortage of cheap oil. At$100 per barrel there was lots of oil.

Now the problem of over population is a bit different, and clearly worse in those areas least able to support and feed that population. But I would remind folks that many of those "civilizations" have been around a lot longer than most of the areas that are doing quite well. As for the shortage of food, just consider all of the fools whoare screaming about how terrible any genetically modified foodstuff is. I would demand that they be made to decide who will starve to death.

Market Briefing For Thursday, May 27
3 years ago

Educational,and interesting as well. And when (IF) the actual truth comes out we will understand just how badly all of those charged with keeping the population safe failed to do that.

Certainly the virus could have been utilized as a horribly deadly weapon if that had been the intention. Instead it was a deadly plague that just escaped the lab, not a weapon deployed. And our president totally denied it existed.

The Fed Tries To Cool Inflation Worries - But Will It Work?
3 years ago

Either we are being lied to or else a whole lot of folks have no clues. My guess is the lies being done to avoid a panic. And I do not like it one bit. And probably a lot of others do not like it either.

Worse yet, it appears very much that the Chinese Military HAS WON the biological weapons race, but has not yet announced their requirements for the world to surrender. My sympathy for that one who made the premature announcement.

So just wait a bit, and learn that what is happening to the markets will not matter at all in a while.

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