William K. - Comments

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A Better Switch
3 years ago

Without higher taxes on some part of the economy the alternative is to "simply print more money."The problem with that is saddling unborn generations to a crushing load of debt, or, somehow, defaulting on the whole thing. That would have a rather big effect on a whole lot of the economy, probably similar to losing a big war, but without the chance of recovery, or freedom returning.

This once again demonstrates the need for another election option, "none of the above", telling all the parties that no candidates were acceptable and that they need to offer better choices. That vote of "NO CONFIDENCE" is available elsewhere and it works well, it is sorely needed in the USA.

The Return Of Inflation. Can Gold Withstand The Dark Side?
3 years ago

If I were holding a lot of gold and the price dropped a bit, I would simply keep on holding, because the price will rise again. Daily trading is for those who choose to live for today only, while others of us are fairly certain that tomorrow will arrive in a short while. And if tomorrow does not arrive then what do today's profit matter???

The most serious damage inflation does is to those whose income does not also inflate with the CPI. This group includes all service providers and those not involved in the sales of consumer items. So the group damaged is rather large. Far to many fail to admit this fact.

Apple Said To Be Working On New IPad Pro With Wireless Charging
3 years ago

Wireless charging of anything is much less efficient than wired charging, no matter what lies the sellers come up with. The interesting part will be the possible hacking that it might enable. Rather more complex than WiFi hacking, though.

In this article: AAPL
The Return Of Inflation. Can Gold Withstand The Dark Side?
3 years ago

Indeed the question is will the federal reserve bank gang even consider trying to pull back the inflation that is benefiting their friends in wealthy places. It is quite clear that the fed gang is not aware that the world extends beyond Wall Street. A least that is what one can conclude from observing their actions.

So the claim that the resulting inflation actually happened was unexpected is either acting or a sign of incompetence.

Is Canada’s Booming Housing Market Primed For A Financial Crash
3 years ago

Sometimes one does not need mortgage insurance, because of ones financial situation. And always, the interest on a mortgage is far les than the interest on a credit card debt.

Wonder Products
3 years ago

Not only interesting and informative across a broad range of subjects, but also a really enjoyable style.

Market Briefing For Thursday, Jun. 3
3 years ago

The failure to approve the covis19 test kit proves, beyond any possible doubt,, once again, that the saying is true:" You Can;t Fix Stupid."

In this article: SRNE, BBBY, FEYE, AMC
Fan Hit
3 years ago

Thanks forthe coverage of such a broad range of stocks. That is always interesting.

Hydrogen powered vehicles of any kind will be an interesting show because while it is easy to produce "sort of pure" hydrogen gas, delivering it at the required HIGH pressures and adequate purity uses a whole lot of energy. Thus it is by no means an energy neutral fuel. But they never mention this unfortunate reality.

Market Briefing For Wednesday, Jun. 2
3 years ago

The very early report on the early spread points a guilty finger at the local governments in China, where the reporting via the fairly new system created after that SARS plague was avoided to "prevent loss of face," because of having disease in one's locality. And here in the USA the decision to give weeks of warning about travel restrictions was about as stupid as possible.

The very recent disclosure that the virus was an ecaped military weapon certainly backs up the claims that it did not just happen to develop.

So we have a vivid demonstration of exactly how much competence i lacking among those claiming to be our protectors.

Are we, as a world,doomed? Quite possibly.

Lowe’s: A High-Growth Dividend King
3 years ago

The claim that Lowe's is so very profitable and doing so well must be based on stores other than the one near me. The parking lot is never crowded nor are the aisles full of shoppers, and the checkout line is very seldom long.

The opposite is the case at the nearby Home Depot, where spots in the closer half of the lot are few, the aisles are often crowded, and the checkout lines are longer,but quite fast. And the Lowe's seems to have the idea that building "loyalty programs" is the way to gain business, not considering that such programs are aimed at employee purchasers, not homeowners or ole proprietors.

So where does all of that profit come from?? That is a puzzle to me.

In this article: LOW
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