Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business ...
Supply Chain and Logistics Management executive and Business Consultant with 40 years of international business experience at several world class manufacturing, technology and logistics companies. Executive level experience includes Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Business Development, Director of Global Logistics, Director of Operations, Managing Director (Geschäftsführer), Director of Transportation and CEO of a Supply Chain and Logistics Consultancy.
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The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
I think I have you figured out! You just like to say foolish things, without facts to back them up, just to rile up those here trying to have an intelligent conversation.
The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
How did America ever manage to prosper before the we enabled China to compete with us globally, by giving them our manufacturing and technology secrets and later, letting them steal them, without consequence?
The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
How do you suggest the riots be stopped, or do you suggest that they just go on until the country is at civil war, because that is what will happen if the government doesn't stop the riots. Good, solid, patriotic citizens will stand up and fight for their rights and safety, if it comes to that.
The Road To A Post-Corona Boom (Foreign Policy) - Part 3
Try having a rational conversation with a Marxist. It's impossible, because they are driven by emotions, not reason.
Brutality, Riots And A Way Forward
Michele, thank you very much for your interest in my take on this. First of all, the apparent crimes committed by the four policemen, were horrific. However, what the protestors say they want, is unattainable, for a myriad of reasons, a few of which I will mention here. The protestors are marching against "Systemic Racism", and "White Privilege", which, in America, only exists in the minds of those who argue against it. Therefore, they are marching against something that doesn't exist, like Don Quixote battling windmills. The rioters on the other hand are made up of at least two groups, thieves and murderers, who steal and kill for personal gain and perverse pleasure and anarchists, like ANTIFA, who simply want to overthrow the current government and install a new government, having no clue what type government, just "knowing" that it will be different, probably a Marxist government, which will, like all Marxist governments in history, fail, morally, economically and socially. What should have been done, as soon as the protests turned into riots, was for the Governors to employ overwhelming numbers and sufficient force against the rioters to immediately stop them. Of course, at the time this would have seemed excessive, but the longer the governors wait, the more damage is done, the more blood is spilled and the more lives are lost. Violence should always be quelled immediately! Violence against people and violence against property. It should never be allowed or accepted by a peaceful society. About systemic racism and white privilege, there are several brilliant individuals, far more intelligent and qualified than me, who have hundreds of hours of arguments against the notion of systemic racism and white privilege posted on the internet. I recommend you look up Ben Shapiro, Dr. Jordan Peterson and Steven Crowder, to begin with. Finally, I believe that President Trump will have no choice, but to eventually invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy the armed forces to quell the riots.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Take a minute and read the following article. If you are interested there are many more such articles available. "Is public opinion on Covid-19 being shaped by facts – or ‘terrorized’ by propaganda?"
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
Did you you miss the Flu? Which has a new vaccine every year, but 650K people still die worldwide! The point is, C-19 has turned out to be the greatest hyped threat in history. The number of deaths have been minuscule. Wake up and start living once again.
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
You may not die of stupid, but don't live stupid. Patients in hospitals don't wear masks, but the doctors, nurses and hospital staff do, Why? You are free to wear a mask in public, which will reduce your risk of becoming infected. You also have the freedom to stay home if you feel the risk to leave home is too high. More and more medical professionals are "finally" speaking out against the forced lockdowns. There is no evidence that the lockdowns have had a positive effect on infections or deaths. As a matter of fact, there is lots of evidence coming to light that shows the opposite. There is also a lot of data showing a significant increase in deaths due to the lockdowns, just look for it and you will find it. The main reason you and people who think like you, are afraid to venture back into the fresh air and the freedom you enjoyed before idiot mayors and governors put you under house arrest, is because you too easily believe the press and the hype they have, day after day, pushed on their readers. Look at the facts, look at the number of deaths worldwide. It's only 366K. That's less than 5/1,000ths of One Percent! Here is a breakdown of the 56 million people who die every year, year after year:
Cardiovascular diseases: 18 million
Cancers: 10 million
Respiratory diseases: 4 million
Lower respiratory infections: 2.5 million
Dementia: 2.5 million
Digestive diseases: 2.4 million
Neonatal disorders: 1.8 million
Diarrheal diseases: 1.6 million
Diabetes 1.4 million
Liver diseases: 1.3 million
Road injuries: 1.2 million
Kidney disease: 1.2 million
Tuberculosis: 1.2 million
HIV/AIDS: 1 million
Suicide: 800K
Flu virus: 650K
Malaria 620K
Homicide 405K
Other causes: 6 million
Stop The Corona Insanity - The Data
The morons are the Dumbocrats, Liberals, Socialists or whatever they call themselves.
The Road To A Post-Corona Boom - Part 1
Show me proof of you claim!